Chapter 1

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Hermione POV:
I was sitting next to Ron and across from Harry in our compartment on the Hogwarts Express. Ron was holding my hand and I had my head rested on his shoulder. Harry was looking out the window probably thinking about what this year will be like. Our last year at Hogwarts has finally arrived. I sat up and looked at Harry



"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about my family, and how they are all gone. I'm all alone in this world Hermione." He said as though he was about to burst into tears at any second, which, was rare for Harry.

I got up and sat next to him and put my arm around him.

"Harry.... We are your family. Always"

Harry looked up and gave me a hug, "Hermione, you are the best friend anyone could ask for. So are you Ron, except for when you think people put their name in goblets of fire."

I laughed at this thinking back to 4th year... The Yule Ball, how one particular blonde boy was standing in the corner looking sad. How I came over there to cheer him up and he got upset saying he didn't need anyone's help.

Typical for a Malfoy.

Draco POV:

I got off the train at Hogwarts worried. I was worried what people would think of me, worried about what my father will say when he finds out I've come back. He doesn't know, he tried to keep me lick we up in my room forever for liking a particular mudblood. But the biggest thing I was worried about, is wether Hermione is back or not. What is she didn't come back? How can I tell her I'm madly in love with her and make her fall in love with me without her being here? I felt a shiver at that thought and just continued to walk towards the castle.

When I got into the castle I saw a familiar bushy haired girl walking next to Weasel and Potter. I looked down and her and Weasel's hands where intertwined. I felt anger bubble up inside of me. I was like a volcano, I could burst at any second.

The only friend that got accepted back into Hogwarts was Goyle and Blaise. I spotted them and ran over. We had all changed after the war for the better. Pansy came back to school too, but she was changed, we all had terrible memories, but we managed to change for the better. I ran up to them and tossed myself into them only to fall on my bum

"Guys! You where supposed to catch me!" I said rubbing my bum in circular motions.

"Who said that we where supposed to catch you, Malfoy ?" Said Blaise.

"I don't know, I thought me jumping in the air about to fall into you would be enough of a warning"

"You need to rethink your warnings"

"Shut up"

Hermione POV:

I was sitting in the great hall dressed in my school robes. I sat next to Ron who's hand was Resting on my thigh. For some reason I didn't get butterflies in my stomach when he did that anymore. And I sat across from Harry and Ginny. Ginny hadn't gotten to ride with us because headmistress wouldn't allow it for some reason. Ginny kissed Harry passionately

"Oi! Get a room you two!" Said Ron obviously very annoyed

I laughed and looked up, when I did I saw a very familiar blonde headed boy smiling up at me. Our eyes locked and Ron must have noticed because he turns my head to face him and kisses me sloppily. Ew. Stop Ron, no just stop. I don't know why I didn't feel as much for Ron as I had used too.

I heard Harry say "hypocrite" under his breath which made me giggle.

I finally pulled away from chicken breath and breathed. I looked up to see the blonde boy looking at Ron coldly. Ron, of course, didn't notice. But I did.

Just about that time headmistress came in to sort the first years. When that was finished she silenced the hall and all eyes where on her "hello everyone, and welcome back to Hogwarts. We have completely refurbished the entire castle after the Battle of Hogwarts. I would like to announce our head boy and girl. Head girl is Miss. Hermione Granger!" And the whole hall burst into cheers. Even a few Slytherins cheered. I couldn't believe it! I was head girl at Hogwarts!

"Head boy is Draco Malfoy!" And the whole hall went silent, then the Slytherins burst into claps and we clapped along too.

"Now I will need to speak with the both of you after your meals. Now let the feast, begin!" And just like that rows and rows of food filled the tables.


Hello everyone! I am sorry that the chapter is so short but I didn't have much time to write it, and I really wanted to get it published. A quick shoutout to HufflepuffQuidditch1 who has helped me to get to here. I encourage you to all go read her stories!
Thank you so much!

~Slytherin is LYFE~

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