Chapter 5

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Hermione POV:

We walked into the Great Hall and I glanced over at the Slytherin table to see an adorable blonde boy looking over at me smirking, he winked and I could feel my cheeks starting to flush so I turned away. I looked at Ginny who was giving her brother an evil death stare. When we reached the table Ginny slammed her hands down on the table which made Harry look up at her half confused half worried.

"What's the matter?" asked Harry.

"Oh nothing much.... My brother only cheated on my best friend by sleeping with another girl, and she caught him doing it too on her nightly patrol with Malfoy, whom she slep--- OUCH!!" She said looking at me with furrowed eyebrows and a pouty lip.

I can't believe Ginny almost said that I slept with Draco! I didn't! We stayed in the same bed! Thank Merlin for heels to stomp chatter boxes feet.

Harry looked at Ron like he was about to attack him.

"IS THIS TRUE?!" He spat looking at Ron, who was looking down at his food. Then he looked up with a glimpse of hope in his eyes.

"Someone used the Imperious curse on me." He said obviously thinking we where born yesterday

"Don't give me that! I saw your face when you where on her! I don't think someone on the Imperious curse could smirk and moan!" I screamed as I sat down, I was losing control, I was so angry. I looked up at Ron evilly

"What house is she in?....." I asked through gritted teeth.

It took him a minute to answer which made me get even more upset, until finally he said "..... Ravenclaw"

"Haha! Ravenclaw? Really? Aren't Ravenclaws supposed to be smart? You'd think They would be smarter than to mess with the Golden Girl's man... Well ex man in this case" I said laughing darkly

"Hermione.... Let's just calm down some... Let's talk about it--"

"NO!! IM DONE WITH TALKING!" And with that I jumped up ran to the Ravenclaw table. I would recognize the girl, she had blonde curly hair, a round face, and blue eyes.

I finally found her and grabbed her hair pulling it so that she was facing me. She looked angry at first but then realized who I was, and got scared.

"W-what do you want?"

"I want you to know what you have done to me, I want you to feel guilty because this is your fault!" I said glancing up to the other side of the room at the Slytherin table to see Draco standing up walking over too me.

"What are you talking about? What is my fault?--" and I grabbed a knife from her table, and ran it across my arm about 8 times....

The last thing I heard was her screaming, then I couldn't hear anything. Then, I saw a tall, blonde boy running up to me followed by Harry and Ginny.... I kept my focus on the blonde boy who was now next to me picking me up and running. I could see his lips moving but I couldn't hear anything come out of them. I felt my eyes get heavy, and he kept pinching my arm trying to keep me from passing out from what I assumed was blood loss. But no matter how many times he pinched me, I kept getting more tired... finally fell asleep.

Draco POV:


I can't believe it, she was dying from blood loss, and I was screaming tears streaming down my face in gallons. I never cried, my father said that crying was for babies and that if I ever cried I could never get anywhere in life. But now was a good time to cry, there was good reason.

This is insanity! We've only been here one day and all of this has happened! So much for a peaceful year....

When we got to the hospital wing we where immediately meeted by Madam Pomfery who looked shocked to see me carrying Hermione.

"Lay her down here" she said pointing to an empty bed. I laid her down blood rushing out her arm. I could feel tears welling up in me again from seeing her like this.

Madam Pomfery started scurrying around putting spells on Hermione and getting ointment to put on her. She told me to leave, but I resisted. I had to make sure she would get better. She grabbed my arms and dragged me to the doors.

"Get out of my hospital wing you traitor! Plus I'm sure Miss Granger doesn't want to see you" she said. I became angry and hurt, how could she say that, I just carried her to the hospital. If I didn't care about Hermione i would have left her for Potter to take care of.

"I care about this girl! Okay? I love her with all of me, and I will be here with her the whole time! How long until she wakes up?!"

"It's hard to say. A couple of hours, maybe a day, week... I'm not sure. She lost a lot o blood. Don't think I believe you for one second about you loving her!"

"I didn't ask you to believe it. Now for Merlins sake, let go of me."
She let go o me and I ran to my 'Mione's side holding her hand in mine. She was dying.... And I never got to say the three little words I have been wanting io tell her since fourth year.

Weasley will pay.....

Hermione POV:
I opened my eyes slowly, and then I sat up and looked around me. I was in a park that I used too go to when I was a child, although there was no one there, and everything was white. My head pounded, I stood up slowly holding my head so maybe it would lessen the pain, it didn't.

"Hello??" I shouted.

Then, in the distance I saw a familiar face walking towards me with bright red hair and a smirk on his face.

"Hey Grangie!" He said with a smirk still plastered on his face.


Hello lovelies! I just wanted to say how happy I am that you have kept reading my story. It really does mean a lot. And I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. Anyways it's question time!

Question: who is your favorite actor?
My answer: Tom Felton, Nat Wolff, Tom Hanks, Colin Morgan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Matt Smith, David Tennant, and Martin Freeman :D

Thank you so much! ILSM!!! (Seriously I do)


~Slytherin is LYFE~

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