Chapter 2

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Hermione POV:

I was so shocked, not because I got head girl but because Draco got head boy. Why would she pick him to be head boy? He was a bloody Death Eater! I guess I'll find out after supper.

Ginny, Harry, and Ron looked at me after Headmistress McGonagall finished her announcements.

"You got head girl! With Malfoy...." Said Ginny

"I know! I can't believe it! Why would she assign Draco to be head boy?" I said still a little shocked.

"I won't let you be near him! He's a Death Eater! I won't let you!" Ron screamed

"Ronald! Lower your voice!" I scolded him

"Ron, Hermione can take care of herself. I understand that your her boyfriend, but seriously, she has gotten our butts out of so many situations that if Draco even breathed on her she could defend herself. Plus she will have back up from us just in case she does end up needing help" Harry said in about two breaths.

Ron sighed and nodded. I could tell that he wasn't going to let this go just like that.
"Alright I suppose. But if he tries anything I can't be blamed for the actions I will do"

I giggled and looked up to the Slytherin table to see a extremely shocked Draco sitting there talking to Blaise. He glanced at me and saw me staring at him, he smirked and winked. I quickly looked away and could feel my cheeks burning bright red.

Thank goodness Ron didn't notice any of that. He would have beaten Draco to death with the piece of chicken he's chewing.

After breakfast I got up to go talk to profe- Headmistress McGonagall. I arrived at the office and knocked

"Come in!" I heard her say.
I walked in to her office that was previously Dumbledore's. She motioned for me to sit in the chair in front of her desk. I sat down and I looked at her


"Darling you can call me McGonagall"

"Okay... McGonagall. May I ask why you picked Malfoy to be head boy?"

"You can ask, but I can't answer."

"Why not?"

"That is for you to discover."

I sighed and slumped in my chair "so why did you call us here?"

"Oh I must wait for Mister Malfoy to come before I say anything"

I was beginning to get quite nervous. What did she have to say to us? Just then Draco walked in. I glared at him and he glared right back at me. He was so confusing, I mean he flirts with me non stop and then he glares at me? Ugh, boys where too dramatic for her, even though she was with the most dramatic person ever. Ron was sweet, but he was dramatic at times and over thought situations.

"You are probably wondering why I brought you too here."

Draco and I exchanged glances and looked back at McGonagall.

"Well I am here to tell you that you too must share a dormitory."

My eyes widened to the size of golf balls, I couldn't share a dormitory with Draco! One of us would kill the other by the end of the day. I was about to protest when Draco got there first.

"Are you joking me? I can't share a dormitory with a filthy little mud- Granger"

I stared at him confused as to why he didn't just call me a mudblood, he hasn't had any problems with calling me one in the past. What stopped him now? Maybe it was because McGonagall was standing there. I'm not sure.

"I'm sorry mister Malfoy. But rules are rules, and it is located on the seventh floor in front of Snape's portrait. The password is Pumpkin Juice. Good luck, and do Not hurt each other!"

I slowly got up and left the room still in shock that I had to share a dormitory with Draco.

We awkwardly walked up to the seventh floor not looking or talking to each other. When we reached the seventh floor we found Snape.

"Ah hello children. This should be entertaining, watching you too rip each other apart. I cannot wait"

"Pumpkin Juice!" I said loudly.

Snape smirked and opened the portrait door.

Draco POV:

I can't believe I have to share a dormitory with a Mudblood! I'm not going to lie, Granger has grown up to be quite sexy. But, that doesn't mean that I want to share a dormitory with her! Right?

We walk in to the common room and it is beautiful! It has a huge window and I guess the theme of it was owls because there where owl paintings scattered all over the place. It was awesome, but I wasn't going to admit that.

We walked down a hallway and up a couple of steps to find three doors, I walk in one and Granger walks in the one right across from it. When I entered the room it got colder and the whole room was dark green and black. It was amazing. I'm guessing that this is my room, because I highly doubt that the Gryffindor Princess likes dark colors.

I see another door and I walked in to a huge bathroom with a jacuzzi, a shower big enough for two and smirk to myself. There where two sinks and a huge mirror. And I see another door opposite of the room and I walk through there to be meted with bright colors of Red and gold. I see Granger sitting on her bed then she glares up at me

"What are you doing in my room? How did you even get in here?"

I opened the door more to show the bathroom "I guess we have to share"

She groaned and it took every muscle in my body not to just jump on her. I thought it was sexy when she groaned, especially after something I said.

"You know Granger, there is a shower and jacuzzi in there fit for two"

I said with a smirk which was followed by a wink. Her face blushed bright red.

"You wish Malfoy, I happen to have a boyfriend"

"Ah yes, the weasel."

I said rolling my eyes. She glared at me and left the room. Maybe sharing with her might not be all that bad, after all I might just Accidentally run into her while she's taking a shower of something.


Hello everyone! I forgot to mention this in my last chapter, but me and my good friend HufflepuffQuidditch1 have an account where we are writing a Geormione story. It would mean a lot if you would go check that out.

Also, there is something else I forgot to mention. I will be asking you guys questions because I'm curious. So here is the question: What is your favorite Disney movie? My answer: I always loved The Lion King. It just has the best soundtrack and is so moving. I just love it.

Thank you so much for reading!


~Slytherin is LYFE~

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