Chapter 11

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First of all, I would like to dedicate this chapter to @TheLightsofNature because she gave me some inspiration for these upcoming chapters. Also, she is writing a dramione story of her own you should all read.


Draco POV: *in the astronomy tower*

I shouldn't tell her anything. I need to control myself, I have never acted like this before! Especially for a filthy little Mudblood who doesn't even deserve life! Why did I even sleep with the filth? I gave her the privilege of myself and she just took advantage of that! She used me for sex! Typical.

That's when it happened. Something I never expected to happen. Ever. I- I felt a tear run down my cheek and slowly roll under my chin. Was I really crying over a Mudblood? She's not worth crying over. She obviously likes the other Weasley.

I winced at the thought of that. My heart was breaking over a Mudblood. How could she do this? I thought she was better than this... No! She's not worth anything.

I heard someone coming up the steps, I quickly wiped my tears away and acted chill.

"Malfoy, I need to talk to you"

Oh joy it was Weasley.....

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say Weasley."

"Fine then. I'll talk and you're just going to have to deal with me talking. It wasn't her it was me. I kissed her and she tried to stop me but she couldn't because I needed comfort at the time and was determined. Blame me, just don't blame her please."

I felt so relieved for some reason. Why?

"I can't lose her.... I can't.... I coul-couldn't take it. It would be the end. And my father wants--" I stopped talking and quickly turned my head away from him. What was I thinking?!? I almost told Weasley the... Situation.

"You haven't lost anyone yet. Just give it some time, okay" he said. I don't wanna listen to him, but I can't help it

"Whatever. Leave me alone" I spat. Then he walked away. I'm still mad at her. But should I tell her what's going on?

Hermione POV:

George left me pacing in Draco and I's room. I was so scared. What the hell is wrong with me?!? I'm the dumbest person ever. Why would I do this?

Just then George came in. I walked up to him and smacked him across the face. He rubbed his face and pouted

"Oi! Why'd you do that?!"

"I don't know.... Why did we kiss?!?"

"Because it felt right" he said. I just glared at him. I was being serious and of course he just HAD to make a joke.

"Maybe I didn't make clear the magnitude of this situation. The guy I just slept with this morning caught me kissing you because I missed my dead ex boyfriend who just happens to be your brother!" I screamed. I was not in the mood to talk to him. I need to escape. I just rolled my eyes and headed to the door. Just as I was about to leave I turned back around and looked at George

"George... I think you should leave" I said. He nodded and went to our fire place then flooed away. I left our room and headed to the library, my place of peace.

As I was walking I ran into a figure. I mumbled an apology and stood up. I saw who it was and a look of concern shot across my face.

"Oh. Draco... I"

"You're not my girlfriend so it's not a problem. Just maybe you should leave me alone." He said. I nodded and walked past him. I could feel his gaze on me, I could feel his big gray eyes on my back watching me walk away. I was waiting for him to chase after me, but he didn't. He never does.

Draco POV:

I saw her walk away. I saw her walk away from me again.... She never really payed much attention to me through school and it hurt me. She never seemed to notice.

I really need to tell her, but not yet. I am headed to our room to take a nap because I have had a Long long day. When I got there there was a Gorgeous owl holding a letter in my window. I walked over took the letter and opened it.

Please come help me.... This is not fair I should be there. Give me a full report because I need to know how she's doing. We are in this together.


I got some parchment and a quill and wrote back a letter saying one word. All it said was:



And I gave the owl my letter and a treat then sent it off. I have been called a traitor before... I'm not afraid to do it again.

I walked over to my trunk and took a gulp from my flask. When Hermione came bursting through the door. I quickly shut my trunk and tried to look cross at her

"What are you doing in here Granger?! Get out!" I spat

"I'm so sorry for treating you like that. It was unfair of me and I'm so sorry. I know we aren't together but please forgive me."
If only she knew... I would be asking forgiveness from her.

"Hermione, I think it's time we had a chat...."


There is no excuse for me to have taken this long to update. I honestly am so sorry! I've been really busy. (I say that all the time)

An I'm sorry it's so short, I'll try to make it longer next time. :/

Question: what country do you live in?

My answer: America

Thank you for reading!!!
~Slytherin is LYFE!~

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