Chapter 6

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Hermione POV:

I smiled when I saw the familiar face, it was George.

"Hey George! Do you have any idea where we are?" I asked. He smirked and came closer too me and pointed at his ears

"Can you not hear me? Do you have a headache? Are you----" then I realized what he was pointing at... He had both of his ears. In the war George had lost an ear, that would mean this could only be one person. Fred.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes and I stepped back a bit and looked at him. He had a full ear to ear smile plastered on his face. I ran up to him an jumped on him wrapping my legs around him. He held me there by wrapping both arms around me. I felt the tears fall down my face and I was sobbing in his neck

"Oh.... Fred..... I can't believe.... It's.... You" I managed to choke out. What people don't understand is that me and Fred had a little fling at one point in 4th year, I liked him a lot, but he broke it off before the Yule Ball and so I went with Krum. I didn't like Krum at all, I liked Fred. Fred wasn't happy about me going with Krum so we weren't really friends after that. Then, a couple of months before the Horcraux hunt we became friends again. He died in the war which killed me too.

"Well, I haven't resurrected from the dead Hermione, so there is only one reason why you can see me, why you are in an all white park, why your battle scars are gone... Your dying.

Draco POV:

I sat there beside her limp body for hours thinking about what happened. I became angry at the Weasel for doing this. I wanted him to suffer, I wanted to torture him, I wanted him to die. I was about to get up and leave to find the Weasel and torture him, when Potter and Weaslett came in. They saw Hermione and the girl instantly Burt into tears.

"Malfoy! Follow me!" The girl said walking up to me and grabbing my wrist

"Okay....?" I said a little uncertain what was going on. Potter had the same look of confusion on his face. She was pulling me out of the hospital wing, down a corridor, and outside. She finally let go of me.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Um... Well I hope she doesn't wake up" she said. I was so confused, did she secretly hate her?


"Because she will kill me if she finds out what I'm about to tell you." She said biting her lip and look down

"Well spit it out" I said getting a little impatient

"She... Um.... May like you, a lot. Don't ask why because I have no bloody clue... No offense" she said obviously worried for her life for when Hermione wakes up.

I was so shocked I opened my moth to speak but it stayed open, I stepped back some

"None taken...." I said still in shock

"She likes me! Really!? This is fantastic!"

"Wait. So you like her too??" She said getting excited

"Yes, very much"

" Oh my goodness!!!" She squealed clapping her hands while jumping up and down.

"Shhhhhh! No one else can know this! Got it?"

She nodded still smiling "I just... EEEP!"

I sighed "fangirls....."

And I walked away leaving the happy squealing girl behind, I began to run towards the castle having to get back to Hermione. I couldn't believe it, I just couldn't believe it! The girl of my dreams had a crush on me! It just seems to good for me considering my past. I finally made it back to the hospital wing when I saw weasel kissing her limp lips. I couldn't move, I just stood there in to doorway about to attack him! What gave him the right to kiss her after what he did? It is his fault she is in here in the first place!

"Get out, before I kill you. You have 3 seconds" I said through gritted teeth. He looked up at me and smirked

"You can't tell me what to do Malfoy"


"Plus she is my girlfriend" I was about to Avada Kedavera his arse.

"2........ And she is NOT your girlfriend! You cheated on her! Your the reason she's in here in the first place"

"It's not my fault! I already told you that I was under the imperious curse! Plus she never 'broke up' with me"

"Like I believe any of the bull that comes out of your mouth, and sorry she didn't have time to break up with you! She was to busy crying, and cutting herself unconscious to break up with you!" I screamed hands rolled into fists. My face is probably blood red.

"Like she even likes you at all Malfoy!"

"3..... Your out of time Weasel!" I said pulling out my wand. He noticed and stood up

"Alright I'm going, calm down! Don't touch my girl!" He said kissing her lips once more before leaving. I was furious, he's about to be right next to Hermione in the hospital wing if he says anything else. As soon as he walked out I ran over to Hermione's side

"Hermione .... Please wake up, if not for me, then for everyone else. So you can properly break it off with weasel, and get in a relationship with me because I love you so much, and I want no harm to come to your lovely bookworm face ever again." I know she couldn't hear me, that's why I was saying this stuff. I have loved her since third year. I felt tears well up in my eyes and a lump begin to grow in the back of my throat. I have never felt this way about anyone before, she was very special.

Hermione POV:

"I'm what?" I said shocked to Fred

"Your dying. You get a choice, like Harry got. You can either come stay with me or you can go back to Earth" he said the smile beginning to fade.

"Wait... If we aren't in earth, then where are we?" I said starting to get worried, and for some reason I started to think about Draco. I wanted to see him so badly, but I couldn't if I stayed here.

"We are in half heaven. People who have a choice to live or die go here and speak to the one person they miss the most that has passed away. So you must love me Grangy" he said with a smirk and a wink

I rolled my eyes "yeah, you wish Freddy" I said as he started to step closer to me, I felt so small! He was really tall! He moved the hair from around my ear and I froze as he bent down and whispered in my ear "you know you love me Granger. Just admit it. You miss me"

"Well of course I miss you Fred, we all do."

"Whatever you say. I know you love me" he said. I sighed. I didn't love him anymore, he broke my heart and said that he didn't didn't want to be with me anymore. I don't know why all of a sudden he thinks he can just get me back. It took a really long time for us to become friends again, but I'm not going to stay here just because of Fred.

Draco POV:

I of course had to do the rest of my classes for the day, so I dragged my depressed body through my classes. But as soon as I finished them I didn't even bother going to supper, I just went straight up to our dormitory and went to bed. I hated the fact that we have only been here one day and she already has herself in the hospital! Typical golden Trio, always getting themselves into trouble. The part that sucks the most is that we actually became friends! But the weasel had to go off and ruin it. I eventually fell asleep very angry, I still haven't figured out how I'm going to make weasel suffer...


Hola lovelies! Silly Fred thinking he can just prance back into Hermione's life. *sighs*

Question: what are your Fandoms?

My Answer: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Star Wars, Star Trek, Sherlock, dr. Who, Lord Of The Rings, Marvel, DC, divergent, the Hobbit, and the Hunger Games 😁😁😁 I'm kind of a Fangirl.

Thank you sooooooo much for the reads! I love you guys!


~Slytherin is LYFE ~

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