Chapter 4

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Draco POV:

I woke up the next morning with a sleeping Hermione next to me, I smiled at myself. She looked so beautiful, even though she was a little scruffy. I gently touched her arm and shook it slowly

"Granger, Granger?" I said quietly so I wouldn't startle her

"Mmghpphhhh" she groaned. I grinned, she was so cute

"Granger, you need to get dressed and come eat. I know you are probably not hungry, and don't want to see the Weasel, but I can bring you up something to eat if you want..."
She smiled up at me and cupped my cheek in her hands

"I'm not hungry Draco, and I really don't think I will be able to go to class today. Please take thorough notes and give them to me so I can read over what I missed."

"Ok Granger. But you really need to eat."

"I'll go down to the great hall, I don't want Harry and Ginny to worry. Plus I need to tell them what happened" I nodded and stepped in the bathroom to get ready.

I was combing through my hair when a very sleepy looking Hermione walked in and yawned

"I can't believe I'm going to miss class just because of Ron." She said as she made her way to the sink next to me. I looked up at her and nodded.

"don't worry Granger, I'll give you the notes."

"Thank you so much."

"Your welcome. Now get dressed so we can go to breakfast." And with that she left to go get ready.

When I finished getting ready I walked down to the common room to see Hermione waiting and she stood up in front of me

"Look, I'm trying to stay positive after what Ron did, which is hard because I really wanna just kill him. And this will probably ruin my trying attempts to stay happy if I get the wrong answer... But I need to know, are we friends? Because, um... You never really liked me very much, and you're for some reason being nice to me.... I just need to know."

I was completely shocked by this. We are friends.... Aren't we? I think I stood there just staring blankly at her for about 20 seconds before I stepped forward and we where only inches apart and looked in her big brown eyes

"Of course Granger, we are friends." I said. She sighed in relief and relaxed her shoulders

"Well that's a relief" she said as she walked past me. I walked up to her and put my arm over her shoulder as we walked and she put her arm around my waist.

"You make me happy. But I really need a lot of time to think about what Ron did. I'm trying to stay happy, and you make it 100 times easier"

"I'm glad I could be of service, Granger. But we should probably let go of each other before we walk in the great hall"

She dropped her arm from around my waist "Yeah, we wouldn't want you to become embarrassed, Malfoy. Your arm over the shoulder of a Mudblood." She said coldly. I stopped and looked at her as if she was crazy. Did she actually think that that was why I didn't want us to be seen together?!

"Hermione, you know that's not why I don't want us to be seen together... I'm an ex death eater, and your one of the golden trio. It just wouldn't work out well, people might suggest that we where a couple." I wouldn't mind us being a couple, but I don't think now is the best time.

"I know, sorry, I had a rough night"

"I know."

"Ok we better go now" and we walked into the Great Hall and went out separate ways.

Hermione POV:

As I was headed towards the Gryffindor table, I saw Ron, Ginny, and Harry all sitting together. The only empty seat was across from Ron, and that wasn't going to happen. I walked up to Harry who was sitting across from Ginny who was sitting next to her brother

"Harry?" I said shakily

"Yea... Oi! Are you alright? You look so pale!" He exclaimed. I glared at Ron for a second and looked back at Harry

"Yeah I'm fine. Can I sit across from Ginny?"

"Umm... I don't care."

"Thank you." I said in a snooty voice. And I sat next to Harry and across from Ginny. Ginny gave me the what-happened-we-need-to-talk-right-now look so I stood up and looked at Ginny,

"I need to go to the bathroom" I said giving Ginny the signal to come with me

"I do too" she said. The boys looked so confused

"Okay....." Harry said obviously knowing something was going on. Me and Ginny walked out of the Great hall and we reached an empty hallway.

"Ginny! I have to share a dormitory with Dr- Malfoy! And we are friends, because he is really a good guy"

"WHAT?!? Hermione, you are in a relationship with my brother! You can't be having a crush on Malfoy!"

"Okay, first of all I don't, and second of all that's where things get bumpy..."

"What are you talking about?" She asked. And I told her what happened with Ron, she seemed to be getting more infuriated by the second.


"Ginny don't you dare! I'm a big girl, I've got this"

"He's not allowed to sit with us at any meals. Wait till Harry finds out"

"Yeah Harry will be super mad, and you are an amazing friend Ginny"

"Thank you" she said giving me a hug.

"But, you are doing a great job hiding your sadness. Even though I can see right through you." She said with a wink. I only rolled my eyes.

"Ginny, I think I do like Draco...."

She gasped super loudly "what?! You called him by his first name! You also have a crush on him? We've only been back one bloody day and you have found my no good brother cheating on you and have a crush on Malfoy?" She said.

"Yeah, I mean we slept together last night" and with that Ginny's eyes practically popped out of her head


"OH MY GOD GINNY!! WHO HAS POISONED YOUR MIND?! I DIDNT SLEEP WITH HIM! WE ONLY SLEPT IN THE SAME BED!" I screamed. I then realized that we where being stared at by some first years

"What are you looking at? Carry on!" Ginny said in a bossy like voice and they listened.

"So why did you two do that?"

"Because, he wanted to comfort me. He did a hell of a job"

"EWWWWWW" Ginny said crinkling her nose and I laughed. We headed back to the great hall.


Hello lovelies! I don't really have much of a note for this chapter, it's kind of just a fill in chapter do I will just give you the question

Question: what is your favorite film?
My answer: I love Napoleon Dynamite, all LOTR movies, all Hobbit movies, and obviously I love all of the Harry Potter movies

Thank you for reading!


~Slytherin is LYFE~

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