Chapter 22

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If you didn't read the last part of chapter 21 then you are going to be very confused. The original chapter has 18 pages an the new one has 21. Please message me if you didn't get the chapter update and I will send it to you. THANK YOU!


"Ginny I don't understand!" I said as I walked down the steps holding my Time Turner. "Why do you need my time turner? Where are we going?"

Ginny rolled her eyes, "we are going to see the conversation I just had. And I already got Harry's invisibility cloak so we should be good to go."

I hesitantly gave her the Time Turner. She waved her hands telling me to hurry up and get over there, so I did. She put it around both of our necks and we covered ourselves with the cloak.

"1.....2......3......4...... AH! Okay." Ginny said. Then poof. We where in the Slytherin Corridors. What the hell. We turned a corner and what I saw I couldn't believe. I just couldn't. Ginny screeched and went behind a wall. I stood there mortified. It was Ginny and Blaise snogging against a wall. I am furious.

"Ginny!!!! What the hell?!? What about Harry?!?" I said. She started sobbing silently, "I- I don't know. I love him. But...."

"Look, Ginny. I am all for you and Blaise but at least break up with Harry first! Don't cheat on him! He really does love you.."

"I know he does. And I love him..... As a brother. Like when we have sex or something-" Ginny stopped because I put my finger on her lip.

"Shhh! Look! Malfoy" I said. Ginny took my finger off and looked in the direction I was looking in

"Ah ha! This is why I brought you here." She said. We sneaked by Blaise and followed past Ginny.

*after the conversation*

"What......... I...He...Me..." I stuttered as I fell against the wall. I looked at Ginny

"Should I go after him?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. I uncovered myself and waited till he was away from other people. I tapped him on the shoulder and he jumped and swatted it away. He glared at me.

"What do you want?!"

His eyes where glassy and red. His face and tear stains running down it. He had obviously been crying. If you listened closely you could hear my heart breaking into a zillion pieces.

Without thinking I pulled him into a hug. He reluctantly hugged back.

"I want you to listen to me. I want you to forget everything we have ever been though. I want you to forget how horribly you treated me, how we resented each other, everything. I want a completely fresh start. I just- I want to be mates. I don't want any romance drama. And I don't want you to get kidnapped and impersonated. Okay?" I asked. It was silent for a good two minutes, I was beginning just to call it quits and walk away when he grabbed my hand. And smiled his pearly white smile. It wasn't a smirk or a sneer it was a smile. It lit my heart on fire.

"Okay. But on one condition" he said.

I was so relieved "anything" I said

  " I'm not moving back up there with you" he said. I scoffed

"No one said they wanted you up there. I'm happy with Ginny." I said. At the name 'ginny' he froze for a second then regained his sense and kept walking.

"Okay well..... Bye." He said. I smiled sweetly. "Bye" and he left me there. I don't like him like that right now. I like someone else. But I think it's sweet that he likes me.

I walked back to Ginny and we headed up to our dorm. We entered and I screamed. I forgot Trey was in here. Ginny walked over and unpaused him. He smiled.

"I'm sorry. I dozed off in dreamland. What were you saying?" He asked. Ginny and I looked at each other.

"Oh nothing" he smiled at looked at his watch then his face fell

"OH NO!!! I uh..... I had somewhere to be....umm 30 minutes ago. I'm late. I uh. Thanks for the..... The food. Yeah. Bye." And then he ran out the door. Ginny and I just stood there in silence until I started to speak

"Do you think he was going on a--"

"No." Ginny said. I looked at her, "how can you be sure?" I asked whimpering. She smiled softly

"Because I know"

Ginny POV:

I honestly had no idea. I just didn't want to make Hermie feel bad. He very well could have gone on a date. I don't know.

She's one of my best friends. I know how upset she gets when it comes to boys. She's had a lot of guy drama happen to her this year. Poor thing.

Hermione POV:

I changed into my pajamas and jumped into my comfy bed. I couldn't sleep though. I was thinking about Trey.

When I finally went to sleep I had a dream about Fred. It was. A nice dream. We moved in together and we had a dog. It was nice.

I woke up the next morning, got ready, and went to breakfast. When I got there I paid extra attention to Trey. I wanted to see who he was sitting with/ looking at.

He kept eyeing this Ravenclaw Annabeth. She was sitting with her friends Tyson, Thalia, Nico, Grover, and Percy. They are all in different houses. So they are like a mixture. House unity!

I officially hate the Annabeth girl. She and all her little friends are half-blood. Half wizard half muggle. Except Grover. He's pure blood wizard. They are all masters at Quidditch though.

I think I'm gonna have. A little chat with Annabeth.


If you thought I would write this fic and NOT put a Percy Jackson chapter in it? You are sadly mistaken my friend.
I am only on book three so don't throw rocks at me if I didn't put your favorite character in it. AND IF YOU SPOIL IT FOR ME I SWEAR TO GOD!!! DONT TEST ME!!!!!
One of my friends already spoiled a bit of it for me. So ugh. Whyyyyyyy would she do this to me :'(

Anyhooooo, question timmee

Question: if you could pick any time to go back into, when would you go back?

My answer: 1985! Because they had:
Bruce Springsteen, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2 and Blondie
And music still on MTV
Her two kids in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
Cause she's still preoccupied
With 19, 19, 1985

Lol old song tribute there. If you haven't heard 1985 by bowling for soup, then where have you been for the past... Like.... 10 years?



~Slytherin Is LYFE~

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