Chapter 17

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Hermione POV:

I haven't talked to Draco since that night. Not even so much as a glance in my direction. I was getting sad and lonely. I just spent most of my time with Ginny and Harry. But they where kissing half of the time, so it got boring. I got up out of bed and looked at the clock which read nine... NINE!! BLOODY HELL IM LATE! I threw on my robes and ran down to potions class. I burst through the door and professor Slughorn looked at me, along with the rest of the class.

"Miss Granger! You're late", he said. "I know. I'm sorry." I said. I had potions with the Slytherin. The only free seat was next to.... Draco. I walked over and plopped next to him. I couldn't focus on what Slughorn was saying because he was starring at me through the corner of his eye. And it made me uncomfortable. I got a price of paper and wrote on it.

Can I help you?

I folded it up and handed it to him. He smirked. He wrote something and handed it to me

Well. I would like to be friends. If that's okay

He's the one who wanted nothing to do with me!

'You're the one who denied my friendship'

'I know. I'm sorry. I honestly have no idea what I was thinking. Please please please can we just be friends?'

'Sure' and that was the last note I sent. He was smiling for the rest of the class.

Tonight was Halloween, and Hogwarts was decorated amazingly if I do say so myself. Me being head girl I had to help set it all up. Took us hours. There are floating jack o lanterns, all the floating candles are orange and black, there Are skeletons everywhere and jump scares in almost every corner of the castle. I don't know where half of them are.

At Hogwarts, it's more of Halloween week. We have a whole week dedicated to this holiday. I love it.

When potions was finished Draco hopped up, smile still on his face, and walked around to me.

"Shall we miss Granger?" He asked holding out his arm. I raised an eyebrow

"You can't be serious?" I said. He only shook his arm. I laughed and took it. He started skipping. I'm not even joking here this cute blond boy was skipping down the hall with a brunette in his left arm. We got the strangest looks. I couldn't stop laughing though.

We ran into Ginny who smacked stickers on our foreheads and smiled. She held one up for us to see. It read:

Anyone who has this sticker on them is free from classes for the rest of the day, But must help miss Weasley prepare for the Halloween party

Great.... Not only did I have to skip classes I had to help set up decorations.... Again! Ugh.

"Giiiiinnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyy do I have to?"

"Well, unless you want lime green hair, then yes" she said grinning. I rolled my eyes. She's a schemer that one.

I let go of draco and followed her. He was beside me, and was still smiling but it wasn't a genuine smile. I've never actually seen his genuine smile. I bet it's gorgeous. - wha! No! What am I thinking?! Focus on Ginny.

She took us outside to this big tent.

"Right. Draco, I know you have hook ups. So please bring the drinks. The whisky and stuff. And Hermione, you.... You can change the color of the grass to orange" she said. We nodded and went to go do our assigned tasks.

It took me about three hours to finish the grass. Once that was done I did even more floating pumpkins and black and orange streamers hanging all over. The centerpiece son the table where made by Luna, they where amazing.

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