Chapter 27

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Draco POV:

I staggered into my room and flopped onto my bed. I groaned. She's such a tease. She expects me to go chasing after her 24/7. She thinks the way I feel isn't relevant. I know she likes that Trey guy though, because of the way she looks at him. It makes me sick. I just want to fly very very high into the air on my broom... Then just fall off.

I have tried this before while I was having to work as a slave for the dark lord. Bellatrix showed up thought just before I hit the ground and cast a levitating spell keeping me from falling to my death. She might have saved my life, but afterwards I wish I was dead even more. Because she took me back to the mansion and "punished me" for wanting to die. I remember sobbing. Crying so hard. It hurt so bad. I remember shivering in the corner of the room un able to speak because the pain was so great. My eyes stinging from tears and my forehead was covered in sweat.

"Now" I can hear her voice "think about what you've done, Draco! Crucio!!" And I could feel shocking horrible stabbing cutting pain run throughout my shivering body. I was freezing but I was sweating. I was hunched over. It felt like someone was kicking me in the stomach repeatedly as they sliced up my body with multiple razor blades and poured lemon juice in the cuts.

When it subsided a small bit. I remember looking up to see her laughing hysterically. She walked toward me with an evil smile on her ugly face. She grabbed my face and drug it up making me stand up even thought I couldn't feel my legs.

She slammed my head against the wall and walked close enough to me where she was centimeters from my face.

"Now. Draco, are you going to try to do any of that again? Because just remember, I am always watching" she said smirking. I was such a coward. I should have said
"FUCK YOU EVIL WITCH!" And then jump off a balcony.
But all I did was nod my head because the pain was too great.

"Use your words!!" She screamed. I winced and cracked a small

"Yes ma'am" and she shrugged.

"My my. I'm having so much fun. Why stop now?" She asked herself. She let go of my face and then pushed me onto the ground so my stomach and chest was facing up.

She walked over and pushed the heel of her high heels in between my rib cage. And put all of her weight onto it. I remember screaming and sobbing and praying for death. I remember the hurt and the pain. Then she was laughing. She started bouncing and laughing. I was gripping her heel struggling for air. She stopped laughing and pouted down at me

"Aw Draco. You having trouble breathing?" She asked. Then I heard someone enter the room. She immediately stepped off of me and smiled at my mother. My mother ran over to me and scolded Bella for doing this. She picked me up (somehow) and carried me to my room.

My mother always cared for me. She was always there when I needed her now. I feel as though I could tell her my feelings and she wouldn't judge. I also need her to calm me down. When I got suicidal my mother would always be there to calm me down and talk soothingly. It helped a lot unlike Bella's "punishment"

I shoved my face into my pillow and just sobbed. I don't understand what I have done to make Hermione only think of me as a friend. I'm trying, I really am and I feel as though I'm being obvious.

I heard a knock on my door

"Get out!!" I said. The person didn't listen

They walked in. It was Hermione. How the hell she got in here is a mystery to me but I don't care. I want her out

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