Chapter 10

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Hermione POV:

I felt my heart beating inside of me, my head began to spin and wonder what the hell he did. It felt like the room was closing in.

"Draco.... What... How?"

"Hermione.... I've done it" he said tears flowing down his face. He never cried. I walked over and sat next to him on the bed. I put my arm around him and he laid his head on my shoulder. I held his head with my other arm that wasn't wrapped around him.

"Draco, you're drunk. You should go to sleep and tell me in the morning" I said. He nodded and flopped his face in the pillow. Almost immediately he was passed out. I put my fingers in his hair and bent down and kissed his forehead.

"It's okay, everything will be okay" I whispered to him. I stood up and walked out of the room, I went down to the library to see if there was some sort of 'sober spell' I was in a library row then I remembered, George was coming over! I had to clean up the room! I raced back up to the seventh floor, when Snape opened the door there was a panicked looking George standing in the living room

"Where is he? Are you alright?" He said racing over to me and embracing me into a hug.

"He didn't hurt me, and I'm not telling you"

"What's going on here Hermione?"

"I don't know..... Let's focus on the reason you're really here"

"I don't even know why I'm here, why am I here?"

I sighed and flipped the couch back over so we could sit. We sat down and I breathed.

"I need to tell you about something that happened in fourth year..... With Fred" he paused for a moment and just stared at me.

"What happened?" He said choking back tears. I felt a tear escape my eye and run down my face.

"Well, we where a couple and then we broke it off and it made him mad when I went with Krum. We didn't talk to each other until Harry, Ron, and I where about to go on our Hourcrux hunt. But... Then he..."

"Yeah I know what he did" he said sadly. I sighed

" but I have seen him since he... Ya know" I said. George looked up at me shocked then frowned.

"You are lying. How could you have seen him?! This isn't funny Hermione! What did you do? Huh? Dream about him like all little girls do?" He shouted. George has never shouted at me before. I just kind of sat there for a while holding back tears.

"George... I'm not lying to you. He was there, when I went to half heaven"

"And what the bloody hell is 'half heaven?!'"he shouted. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"It's the place you go when you have an option. You get to choose wether you live or die. And the....." I exhaled and a tear fell "the person that means the most to you who is now gone will appear and be there for you so you won't be alone" I said. I folded my legs up into my chest and wrapped my arms arriving them so they would stay, and I cried. I cried because Fred was gone, I cried because I was so selfish not to give us a second chance, I cried because I missed him...

As I sat there weeping my eyes out like an 11 year old who had just gotten her heart broken because her pet goldfish died, George moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay. I know you miss him, I'm sorry I shouted" he said. I lifted my head up to see his big green eyes looking Down at me, his head moved closer to my face and he placed his hand under my chin and kissed me. I closed my eyes enjoying the moment, all of my doubts, fears, stress had all melted away in that single moment. I opened my eyes just a little and that's when I saw him.... Standing in his doorway looking heartbroken and sorry. He looked like he could burst into tears any second... I pushed away from George who gave me a confused look and stared at Draco.

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