Chapter 21

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Short A/N

For those of you who wanted pictures of universal, I regret to inform that Wattpad will only allow me to put one picture attachment. I am soooooo sorry. But in each chapter I will add another picture if you want. Please comment if you'd like me to add one picture every chapter. I'd be happy to :D


**at the end of classes for the day***

Hermione POV:

A lot of stuff has happened over the past couple of weeks. Trey and I have become very close friends. In fact, he sits with us at our meals. Draco and I have grown.... Apart. He doesn't seem to like Trey at all. I can't imagine why, I mean he's gorgeous, sweet, smart, loyal.... He's basically the golden Hufflepuff.

In fact, actually. Draco moved out of our common room and back into the Slytherin dorm. Professor McGonagoll said I could choose one person to come stay with me, naturally I chose my best friend Ginny.

Ginny and I haven't really had time to talk and stuff because she's too busy with Harry and school and keeping a social life... I get bored honestly because, well, school is easy for me and I don't have a boyfriend so all I have right now is keeping a social life and trying to avoid trouble.

There was a break in at Gringots again. Someone by the name of Moriarty? I don't think that's his real name though. It can't be. Moriarty is the name of a fictional muggle character in a series of mystery articles from an old English newspaper, by Sir Arthur Connon Doyle. I've read them all. I love his work. But they caught him and threw his little butt in Azkaban. That's all the drama that's been happening really. Nothing to bad...

I was about to leave charms when I was stopped by a handsome young Hufflepuff. He stuck out his arm for me to lock onto. He smiled and raised his eyebrow

"Shall we?" He said. I locked arms with his and smiled

"We shall my friend" and we started skipping down the hallway. Then he stopped dead on

"Oh no. A beautiful young lady such as yourself doesn't need to get her feet dirty." He said. He then picked me up bridal style and started walking. "I will single handedly make sure your glorious shoes stay.... Clean" he said with another smile. I blushed. He's a sweetie.

"That's very thoughtful of you. But we don't want people to start spreading silly rumors about us" he then smirked and spoke

"Like you said..." He bent down to whisper in my ear "they are silly". I could feel his hot breath on my my neck and my breath hitched. He put me down, put his hands in his back pockets, and walked away. I couldn't believe what just happened.

He is literally the biggest flirt ever. And also drop dead gorgeous! Wait.... No.... No he isn't. Keep it together woman! You do NOT like him like that. He's just a friend. I need to talk to Ginny.

Draco POV:

"I'm just lost man... I don't know where we stand."

"Well you did abandon her and also haven't spoken to her in weeks" Blaise said. I glared at him. He shrugged, "look mate. I think it's pretty obvious where you two stand. I mean you ask for forgiveness then you act like a total dickhead by teasing her. Granger is sensitive"

"Well you're not helping. By the way what is going on between you and Weaslette?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He glared at me

"None of your business, Malfoy "

"Oh I think it is, Zambini." I said smirking. He rolled his eyes

"So the red head has curves! Big deal! A lot of girls do. And yeah I have a thing for red heads and she's really pretty and her hair smells nice, her eyes glow a certain green....." His gaze wandered off. I snapped my fingers in front of his face "hey! Casanova! Stop!" I said. He looked at me strangely

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