Chapter 1-Izuku's Misery, Finding out about Jujutsu

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(A/N:Ok, due the OFA quirk overflowing fact, I have made it seem like when Toshi got Inko pregnant, a small part of OFA got transferred which found its way towards Izuku due to his copy quirk evolving his quirk genes a bit for two quirks. OFA enhanced the copy quirk so he can now handle many quirks without short lifespan.)

Timeskip to next day at kindergarten

As Izuku was making his way into his class, he heard the other kids murmuring.

Random 1-"Hey, did you heard? Izuku is quirkless! Whereas Izumi has a powerful Telekinesis quirk!"

Random 2-"How is he her brother? He is now so useless while she is so powerful!"

Random 3-"His intelligence won't get him near to any hero work!"

Random 4-"My parents had told me that quirkless people are infectious and that if someone is near to one, they will lose their quirk!"

Random 5-"Really?! We should go and tell the others!!"

After those randoms went away, Izuku started thinking about what they said earlier.

Izuku-"Does quirklessness really become infectious? Uncle Nezu haven't told me anything about it. Anyway, I will start making a training regime from the next month to train my body. If whatever Dr. Tsubasa said was correct, my body should be able to handle all the quirks and abilities as soon as I turn 12 IF I don't overwork."

During the whole day, nobody came near him, not even the teacher. Few of them started calling him names, though behind his back. Only a few were there who didn't said anything bad as he was their best buddies. They provided their sympathy to Izuku because of their weak quirks. On his way to parking lot which was near the gate, Izuku still was thinking about his regime. Or accurately, mumbling cutely.

Izuku-"I wonder what will happen if I probably sometimes overwork myself. If that happens, I should be able to handle the powers at the age of 8. But what about the Overdrive Blast?Hmmmm........mmmmm.........Dr.Tsubasa said that I need a particular wattage of electrocution from any kind of electric source. But what is the wattage? I think its some kind of unit for electricity since we use cm, m etc for measurements. But how much wattage of electrocution will I need? Damn! This is making my head go bo-OUCH!"

He crashed with someone as he turned around the corner. Both fell down with the other person being on top of Izuku.

Unknown Person-"Ow! Sorry for crashing into you."

Izuku-"OHMYGOSH! AREYOUALRIGHT? IAMSORRYIBUMPEDINTOYOUIWASNTLISTENINGTONEARBYmuttermuttermuttermutter............"he was snapped out of it by the crashed person

Unknown person-"It's Oka-Wait. IZUKU??!"

Izuku turned to meet the other person who was none other than his soon-to-be one and only friend Stella

Izuku-"Stella?!What are you doing here?"

Stella-"I was passing by with my parents. What about you?"

Izuku-" here and it was time for home so I was going back to the parking lot to meet my mom"



They heard someone's voice calling out to Stella, so they tried to get out of the awkward position they were in. Stella mistakenly pulled the straps in the middle, thus bringing bringing Izuku more closer until were a cm apart. They both stopped and blushed. They needed outside help so they were waiting.

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