Chapter 10-Cleaning Dagobah, Fixing Yang's arm and Awakening of Something New

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It has been 3 and a half years since the debut of Dekiru. Recently, his name was changed from Dekiru to Deku when a victim had asked him about his name who replied it to be Deku, changed from Dekiru. Some passerby had recorded it and posted it online. There were many debates going on about whether Deku was a hero or a villain. Even heroes also debated on tv. The many who sided with the vigilante were Endeavour, Edgeshot, Best Jeanist, Hawks, Kamui etc. The ones who were against him were All Might, Turq Polas, Death Arms, etc. Hawks had given up on capturing him after he had been saved by the vigilante. Deku had told him to not work with orders anymore and be a human, he is not and should not be a weapon. This made Hawks cry so he had told about this on tv. He also said, "Besides, that guy is way faster than me, he might be faster than All Might. I was flying at Mach 1 speed and he outran me easily. Just pray that he will not become a villain or else we will get our asses kicked so badly, even Recovery Girl might not be able to heal us at one go." The people were in disbelief at that. Though, the whole Musutafu had called him their hero as he had helped the people a lot. He was rumored to be of a stunted height, almost resembling a 16 yr old boy. People outside called him a villain, saying that he has helped a lot of villains and beaten a lot of heroes and has broken the law and just wanted attention. While the others argued, saying that he didn't broke the law, considering he only used his quirk only when his opponent was too strong. Other than that, he always used a three section staff, a sword, an axe and two pairs of clackers.

Izuku was successful in controlling OFA a lot. He was able to reach 8% Full Cowling, which was difficult. It took him 1 whole week to get adjusted and adapted to the new level of speed and power. Since he didn't wanted to kill his opponents, he would just punch or kick with his whole arm or leg at 8% speed and then quickly change it back to 5% before impact. He had seen his sister and her shit friends train but it was only just a 100m run always and a few pushups. They would always take 20 min break. Safe to say, Izuku was proud because his own friends could train a longer time without any break. He also drew sketches of costumes of his friends and had shown it to his friends, who gave their approval and took copies of it. 

The Dekiru's Hero Cafe was upgraded. It had another floor above it with a balcony where customers could walk freely and enjoy the view. You might be wondering, this requires extra staff also. What about them? Well, the answer is that Izuku's friends had volunteered to help him after Izuku reluctantly agreed. Izuku, Ruby, Pyrrha, Ochaco and Rody worked at the bottom while Eijiro, Blake, Denki, Yang, Weiss and Kyoka served the upper room. It was looking somewhat like an apartment. Everyday, less people would come in the morning but a lot would come at night. Heroes from time to time would visit there to grab a bite. His ratings on Google reached complete 5 stars. Nobody would say his cooking was bad. It was still hard to believe for the people that a 14 yr old kid was an expert in so many things. 

Right now, Izuku had completed his 'Beach cleaning dream plan'. It contained all the routine for Izuku to follow in order to clean the beach and train his body. He had made it seem like he was going to attend U.A. and needed to train for 10 months. It had a strict diet with his sleep included. He was going to follow it every, no matter what. He wanted to keep himself fit as much as possible.

(Alright here's my shittiest training montage. You can skip it if you want. Also, he decreased his patrolling time since he would be tired.)

Month 1

Izuku first started with smaller things like the tires and microwaves. He didn't needed them anymore as he had enough money, so he threw them in the trash truck which comes there to pick up the trash. 

Month 2

Izuku managed to clear a small patch of land. He then moved on to the next stage of machinery, which was broken cupboards and chairs. He needed to get stronger so he just extended his work and decreased his sleep.

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