Chapter 13-Meeting An Angel Detective and Back............up?

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Izuku's POV

For the last few weeks, I have been trying to locate a group of villains called the League of Villains. The head of them is someone called Tomura Shigaraki. He has some sort of a decay quirk. I remembered seeing him disintegrate a villain to nothing but dust. Bites za Dusto. He he. Then he had some purple mist guy named Kurogiri, who if I had to guess, had some sort of teleportation quirk after seeing him teleport that low level villain. Many police officers had interrogated me on my shop's name. I just told them that I was a big fan and loved to make his merchandise. I showed them a few and then they went away. I had in decorated the cafeteria with posters of different heroes and finally, my own photos. I never thought I would be a part of them. I was embarrassed at putting them up.

I had recently managed to hire three employees. They were John, Ethan and Smire. I had felt relief at this considering I needed sleep more. Smire and me work on the bottom floor while the other two work at the top floor. I had bought a new karaoke system recently so I wanted to try it out at the cafe. I was currently setting it up while Smire welcomed the guests inside.

Smire-"Izuku, the customers are coming dude!"

Me-(sarcastically)"Really? I thought the Vigilante Deku was coming."

Smire-"Dude, stop joking around. There's no time. You want the guests to hear your singing or not?"

Me-"How about no?"

Smire just sighed as I laughed.

Me-"Alright, alright. Tell Ethan to set up the television in the upper floor so that the guests can enjoy through there."


He then called Ethan and told him to set up the television upstairs. I got my karaoke set ready in the meantime and then tested the mic.

Me-"Hello, hellow, one, two, three. Is this working?"

"It's working perfectly, Midoriya."

A customer, a punk-looking dressed boy of 22 yr old said that.

Me-"Thanks. Now, everyone, please order your food. After that, I will start."

The customers started ordering their items while Smire and John wrote them on pads and gave them to me. It was almost always the same; honey filled pancakes, chocolate-chip pancakes, cream filled pastries, hot chocolates and of course, my homemade tea and coffees. I went to the kitchen while John stayed at the counter. In so many years of experience, I can easily make pancakes, coffees, teas and hot chocolate very fast. I always used to keep some dozen of pancakes readied. I just needed to heat them. I started heating them while watching the customers from the cameras. They were very happy, like a lot. I smiled. I felt happy and sad at the same time. Felt sad because I didn't had any kind of those memories these kids have. The memories of being with family, getting rewards for every small achievements etc. Felt happy because the families seemed to be relaxed from their daily works here and their kids can enjoy making new memories here. I had been so lost in my thoughts that I had mistakenly burnt one pancake. I just sighed and threw it away while making another one. 

3rd POV

Izuku completed the bakings and told John and Ethan to take the orders away for the top part while he and Smire took the orders for the ground ones. He started giving out the foods and thought he had given out all until he saw that one order was still left

Izuku-'Weird. I have still one order left.'

Izuku-"Ummm, did anyone ordered ummm, three chocolate pancakes and a cup of coffee?"

"I did. That's my order."

A voice was heard from the corner. Izuku went towards the table.

Izuku-"Sorry, I had forgot about yo-"

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