Chapter 21-Restart from scratch

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(Made this absentmindedly. Lost the will to write it. But still going on to try my best.)

"So, Mister Izuku Midoriya, care to explain why you hadn't answered my calls?!"

An angry Stella Vermillion asked as she stood in front of Midoriya at his cafe. The greenette was very tired. But he managed to hide it.

Midoriya-"Sorry, I was a bit sick the previous weeks. I think it was flu or something."

Stella(panicking)-"Are you okay?!"

Midoriya-"Uh yeah. I am okay now."

Stella-"You need to take care of yourself, you idiot."

Midoriya-"Yeah, yeah whatever. You want something?"

Stella-"I will have beef stew."

Midoriya-"Alright, Ethan. Get your butt back here, I need your help!"

He yelled to the said person, who quickly came there with earphones in his ear.

Ethan-"Stop yelling you dumb head. I am here."

Midoriya-"Got a new order of beef stew. Let's go. Stella, you go and sit at the table."

Stella(smiling)-"Sure Izuku!"

She went to the table while Ethan helped Izuku with the cooking.

Ethan-"Oh by the way, Izuku, we have two new recruits."

Izuku-"Really? Who are they?"

Ethan-"First guy is someone name Emiya Shirou and the second one is Archer Tohsaka. I told them to come on Friday."

Izuku-"You handle them. I am very tired from the trip."

Ethan-"Alright. I will see them."

Izuku-"Thanks, I need to see my uncle."

"No need, I am already here."

Aizawa's gruffy voice was heard. He was standing at the door with red eyes. He then captured the poor greenette with his capture weapon.

Aizawa-"Care to explain-"

Izuku-"Alright, alright. I had met up a friend at Klayd. We were spending time and then a villain group had attacked us, so of course, we helped the police defeat them. But in the meantime, I had caught Flu, which got me sick for two weeks. It was a very bad fever, because I had become very weak and couldn't sleep or eat properly. Besides, you're not the only one whose calls I couldn't answer. Stella also scolded me."

Aizawa-"Problem child............I need some drinks. I am really tired from handling these reckless kids."

Ethan-"Coming up!"


Midoriya was now at the Jujutsu Tech again, the same place he had left almost 5 or 6 yrs ago. He had brought his gym equipments from his warehouse there. If he was going to train from scratch, he will do this time different. He had searched for the best workout schedule to do which won't affect his patrolling. He won't be patrolling for now. He was currently was muttering.

Midoriya(muttering)-"I don't care about my body, I will definitely meet them again. I want to meet them again. I can't sleep with those nightmares waking me up. I have to train as fast as possible so I can return to the scene. My disappearance has caused many criminals to act up again. The pros don't go to the areas I know."

He then wrote his plans on his notebook labeled 'V.Plans'

1. Increase muscle mass as much as possible, while not getting distracted from other things

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