Chapter 11-Explanation, Meanwhile Other Side Realization and Regret

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3rd POV

Both Stella and Izuku were looking into each other's eyes for some times, then Izuku turned his head, blushing. Even if he sounds like a pervert, he had to admit. Stella looked way more cuter and beautiful than before.

Stella-"Izu.....ku. It's you right?"

Deku-"Umm, you got the wrong person. Sorry. I also thought you were a long lost friend of mine." 'My acting is so bad class 4 kids acting like they have stomach aches and don't want to go to school do much better than me.'

Stella-"So, I am not your long lost friend?"

Deku-"No, I had mistaken you for her. Sorry."

He then went to put on his mask when his hand was tugged by Stella. He turned to see her watery eyes.

Stella-"Please, tell me that you are that Izuku Yagi I met about yrs back when we were kids. Tell me that you are that same child."

Deku-"U-Um, my name is Izuku Midoriya, not Yagi." 'Great, I should have said other name than Izuku'

Stella-"I don't care whether your name, face, hair or appearance has changed or not. I haven't met anyone other than Izuku who has emerald forest green eyes and yours looks the same. Please, tell me you are him."

Deku-(sighing)"Looks like I can't lie to your face anymore. Before that..."

He put his hands on her head.

Stella-'This...........feeling. It's the same as Izuku. Now, it is confirmed he is the boy I was looking for.'

Deku-"Rewind:Focused Restoration"

He turned on Rewind and started healing Stella, who was blushing a bit and wanted to stay in that position for a long time. But things come to an end when he ran out of energy and started panting heavily.

Deku-*huff**huff*"You are lucky you haven't got too many wounds or else I would have forced myself to heal you."

Stella-"You okay?"

Deku-"Yeah just *huff* my  *huff* Rewind uses my own energy to *huff* to heal other people and myself. I am just a little out of breath, that's all."

 He then recovered his breath and turned to Stella.

Izuku-"All right then. Yup, it's me, that same boy who you used to play with, Izuku Midoriya."

Stella-(deadpanning)"You confirmed it just 7 secs ago."

Izuku-"Hehe, anyway, so, how's life been treating you?"

Stella-"Before that............."

Saying that, she hugged him tightly, but purposely put his head in between her you-know-where.

Izuku-(blushing in embarrassment)"H-H-Huh? S-S-Stel-"

Stella-"Don't move. It's been so long since we last met and hugged each other and also, this is your punishment for lying to me."

Izuku-(blushing) 'She really has become very matured and beautiful. I must say, she has a perfect bo-wait. STOP IZUKU MIDORIYA! Control your thoughts! Don't become a pervert and ruin your friendship with her. I have never felt a girl's body before. Besides, who would want to date someone like me?'

They stayed in that embarrassing position for who knows how long. Then, a ring came from his phone. It was Pyrrha.

Izuku-"Excuse me Stella. I need to accept this call."


Izuku-putting phone on speaker-"Yeah hello?"

Pyrrha-"Izuku? Where are you? It's almost night time and you haven't come back home."

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