About Deku's powers and Drawbacks.

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(These are a bit different from the canon ones. Also, I might have buffed the powers a little)


i)One for All - Increases physical prowess tremendously and makes Deku reach superhuman levels of strength and speed. The strength is so huge that three cities can be destroyed with just one punch of 45% Detroit Smash and 20% Shoot Style Smash(I mean, of course, his leg muscles are very strong and also he wears those iron sole, so yeah). The speed can be increased so much that the user can beat speed of light at 100% Full Cowling and speed of sound at 30% Full Cowling with Deku's added input of running speed. Deku can run at 50.76 km/hr, beating the pre-quirk era runner's record Usain Bolt, 43.99 km/hr. Since he lacks the required muscles, electricity forms around his body. OFA also provides him extra stamina and energy.

Drawbacks - If the user exceeds his current limits, he will break his bones in the body. At first, only the ligaments will tear up. Then after repeated usage, the body part will appear purple in color and the bones will start to break up in multiple pieces. If Deku uses multiple quirks along with OFA, then the provided stamina and energy will not be able to keep up with him. It will eventually tire him.

ii)Black Whip - Grants Deku the ability to generate black tendrils with blue borders from any part of the body. He can currently just produce them from his hands, arms and back. They can stick to any surface, any. Deku can generate them over his arms and legs and cover them with it so as to decrease the recoil of OFA a bit. Black Whip can be used to capture people and also grants Deku great mobility. With Black Whip's addition, Deku can break sound barriers easily at 20% OFA. At 100%, he will move so fast he will just appear to have teleported and will have an after image of 3.8 secs.

Drawbacks - Depends on Deku's emotions. If he is angry, then Black Whip will respond to that and burst from his hands. If he is able to control his anger, he can use the exploded Black Whip as his advantage. If not, outside help might be required to knock out Deku to stop it. Black Whip's range is unknown currently.

iii)Float - Grants Deku the ability to suspend in the air. He can even go higher in altitude. Although there's a limit to how much higher he can go, since the air becomes thinner at high altitudes, he can break it by using complex oxygen gears. Range is unknown currently. He uses it with combination of Black Whip to rescue people.

Drawbacks - Bit unstable for first few uses. Deku won't be able to control his balancing. Also, to go higher, his energy will be consumed.

iv)Danger Sense - Grants Deku the ability to sense and get alerted about dangers around him. It produces a stabbing sensation in the part of his head where the danger is located. For example, if someone attacks him from behind, the back part of his head will start alerting him. The more stronger and nearer the enemy or danger, the more sharp will be the pain. Range is unknown. 

Drawbacks - Deku needs to have high pain tolerance since it will produce stabbing sensations. Also, he needs to be fast enough to react to the sensation.

v)Smokescreen - Grants Deku the ability to create smoke around himself from his body. It enhances his vision inside any kind of smoke. It also allows him to breathe normally in any kind of smoke, whether it is thick or thin. It's current range depends on Deku's emotions. It can cover a whole city.

Drawbacks - None

vi)Fa Jin - Grants Deku the ability to store up kinetic energy and use it as explosive bursts of speed and power. It also works a lot like Yang's Backfire, able to store kinetic energy from hits of the opponents and store it. Since he constantly moves with OFA Full Cowling, the kinetic energy never runs out unless he uses it more than Full Cowling. With only maximum Fa Jin, Deku can go faster than supersonic Concorde three times. With 45% Full Cowling and maximum Fa Jin, he can mimic his 100% Full Cowling. His speed goes higher than speed of light and his strength equals to 100% Smash. His body emits smoke as soon when he uses it.

Drawbacks - Uses kinetic energy which tires Deku a lot. At 20% Full Cowl, Deku will succumb to exhaustion after just one use. He won't be able to use it at 8% from the starting. Also, Deku can use it only as bursts, not constantly. If used constantly, he will tire out much faster.

vii)Unknown quirk - Not revealed in the manga.

viii)Rewind - Allows Deku to rewind a thing or someone to a previous state and can also forward the rewinded things by touching it. He can heal other people and heal himself. He can also heal limbs but not scars. No horn protrudes from his forehead.

Drawbacks - It uses energy while healing people and more energy when Deku heals himself, so it will tire him out faster if he heals himself. He is not able to use 100% Full Cowl with it as it not able to keep up with 100%.

ix)Rainfire - Allows Deku to produce fire from any part of the body. He can also suck up his own fire. It's temperature depends on his emotions. Maximum temperature is 12895 degree Celsius. He can suck back his fire.

Drawbacks - If limit is exceeded, then the body part will start to pain. Continued usage will burn the area.

x)Frost Star - Allows Deku to produce ice from any part of the body. He can also suck up his own ice. It's temperature depends on his emotions. Maximum temperature is -273 degree Celsius. He can suck back his ice.

Drawbacks - If the limit is exceeded, the body part will start to freeze up. Continued usage will cause hypothermia and frost bites on that part.


i)Divergent Fist - Allows Deku to pull double impact punches by channeling his cursed energy into his fists. He uses it in conjunction with OFA, Fa Jin, Black Flash and Overdrive Blast.

Drawback - It uses Deku's cursed energy which he doesn't always have channelled, especially during crisis times. Also, it bounces Deku hand back a bit. So he needs to pull the punches correctly. 

ii)Black Flash - Allows Deku to pull punches or kicks which are always to the power of 2.5. It distorts the space between Deku and his opponent in 0.0001 secs. He also uses it in conjunctions with OFA, Divergent Fist, Fa Jin and Overdrive Blast.

Drawback - Deku will feel a little tired after space distortion for about 10 secs, then it will be ok. He can perform it only a few times.

iii)Hard Body - Allows Deku to harden his body by channelling his cursed energy beneath his skin. He can currently harden his body for 2 min 28 secs. 

Drawback - Deku will feel the pain of the attack if he doesn't react fast enough and turns it on late. His body becomes stiff and he won't be able to move at all.

iv)Overdrive Blast - Allows Deku to produce bio-electricity from his own body. He can electrocute and knock out his opponents and can absorb electricity. Currently OFA enhanced it so it has become more powerful.

Drawback - Continued usage will pain his hands and they will start to become black in color and burn them.

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