Chapter 18-I've Lost Everything That's Keeping Me Alive

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(Sorry for late release. Was actually working on a new story. Besides, my sem 2 exams only one month away)

"What are you doing here?!"

Midoriya was shocked. Why? Because his former temporary partner, Siesta was there right in front of him, smiling sweetly and cutely, doing peace sign.

Siesta-"Isn't it obvious? I came here to meet my partner!"

Midoriya-"What do you mean? I told you I was a temporary partner!"

Siesta-"Actually, I was free today and I remembered what was your reason for coming to Klayd. So, I decided to pay a visit."

Midoriya-(wide eye)"You're joking."

Siesta-"Nope. Not at all!"

She said and smiled cutely. Midoriya again got into dreaming with that smile. No matter what he did, he felt as if he wanted to protect that damn smile. It looked exactly like Eri's smile, but of course less cuter than her.

Midoriya(sighing)-"You're helpless."

She then patted while his shoulder, while he sighed and hunched over. 


A woman in long coat came up on stage and said in a mic, catching the people's attention.

Woman - "Those who have found seats please sit down and those who haven't or don't want to sit, please stand behind the last row. There is a lot of space behind. Stalls are just outside the fence, so if anyone needs some food or drink, they can buy. Professor Kay is gonna come here in just few minutes."

People slowly started sitting in. Those who didn't found stood back. Few went out to buy snacks and drinks. Midoriya and Siesta stood at the corner. Midoriya looked in front and found an empty seat.

Midoriya-"Siesta, there's a seat empty there. Go and seat. I will stand here."

Siesta-"Nope, if my partner is standing, why won't I?"

Midoriya(sighing)-"Good grief."

Siesta(chuckling)-"You're fun to tease"

Midoriya-"I am going to buy some chilli chicken noodles and water."

Siesta-"So much simple food? And why water? Why not any kind of other drink, you know, the soft drinks?"

Midoriya-"I actually like simple things. Also, I like water more than other drinks. Anyways, want something to eat or drink?"

Siesta-"Hmm, get some chips and cold drink. That's all. I need to keep check on my weight."


He went outside to get with the others, while Siesta waited. After bringing the edibles, he gave her snack to her and started eating his own, while waiting for Professor Klayd. After a few minutes, the woman again came up to the stage.

Woman-"Everyone, please stand up. Professor Klayd is gonna enter the gates now."

Every person stood up still. Midoriya and Siesta threw the empty plastic in the bins beside them and waited. Meanwhile, a man far away from the couple held a phone to his ear.

Man-"Yup, he is gonna come here. No, don't worry, there's no hero here. We will definitely have him here."

He put down his phone and looked at Siesta, talking with Midoriya and smiling occasionally. 

Man-'Shit. She's here with maybe her.........boyfriend? Partner? It doesn't matter.......I need to take both out.'

Midoriya tensed a bit and looked around. Siesta got confused.

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