Chapter 3-Gathering materials, repairing, a new house, little red and hero suit

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Its going to be a short chapter and this one might be boring to you can skip it if you want to

Timeskip(1 yr later)

Izuku's POV

It has been almost one year since the time I had perfected my basics of jujutsu. I also trained with the weapons starting from a pocket knife upto a kusarigama. I can now use any of them easily although the training wasn't easy. I had to find numerous tutorial videos for them. My favourite weapons of them are Killer King, a black sword which I named Intetsu and Nanami's butcher knife. I had made a small training ground at the back of the warehouse using a shovel. The neglection and the beatings haven't stopped although I don't care about them anymore. What infuriated me the most was the fact they the three girls Izumi, Shion and Katsumi had a crush on me and wanted me to quit on being a hero so I could be a homestay husband for them! Dafuq is that kind of reason. I had decided that it was enough and I will find a new house, just like the warehouse. I also decided to make my own homemade tech with whatever materials I had available so I looked upon tutorials on them. I had also been shocked a lot but that didn't harmed me because of Overdrive Blast. I had finally repaired the old laptop fully and it was now looking and working new with new OS, softwares and antivirus.

I had also visited Dagobah Municipal, a beach full of trash. I found several things inside many piles which proved a lot useful to me. Like a pipe, which I soon transformed into a pipe bomb but threw it away as it was dangerous. I even found a smartphone which had a perfect screen. Only it was wet and the battery was probably damaged so I started repairing them. I had kept the phone in some rice grains in sun while I did my best to repair the battery, which worked out fine. I turned them out to find no lock and no other apps or any info in it so I decided to make it off-grid, which was hard. I also saw someone dumping some solar panel so I decided to see what they and if they could be of any use to me. To my surprise, they were big solar panels, 10-12 of them with 5 having scratches while the rest are broken a bit. I sighed. Why throw these away when they could be repaired and reused. I took them with me to the warehouse.

I had cleaned the warehouse few weeks ago. It was now not dirty or messy anymore. I saw the top where there several broken shards of glasses attached. I could place the panels there. I started repairing all the panels. They needed a little bit of tinkering. After repairing them, I slowly took them one by one to the top using the nearby ladder from the outside. I broke and removed the remaining shards and placed the panels on their place with the help of some ropes and hooks so they don't get blown away by any kind of strong wind except storms. I even build a cover over them to cover them whenever rain starts. I climbed down and went inside. The solar charge controller was working fine although they required a little bit of headstart to start up. So I used my Overdrive Blast at low power into the wires until the controller screen started glowing. I saw the screen and started the panels. Then I went to the small generator and prayed for it to work. I pulled down the lever but nothing happened. I just saw sparks and a few crackling sound in the warehouse. I then facepalmed as I realized that I had forgotten to change the bulbs and tube lights. So I turned off the generator, went and replaced every single light with my home made one and started the generator. They started glowing very brightly. I let out a victory cry. Finally! It took me sooo long. I then start setting up furniture in the house. No, I am not going to live in it. This will be just my workplace, secret place and armory. It will also be full of support items. I can't make complex ones so I just stick to the basic ones but make them more tough. After setting everything up, I felt relieved. My first goal had been completed. The warehouse furniture consisted of an anvil, another repaired solar powered laptop, the required tools like pliers, screwdrivers, etc. and of course, the weapons. This place will now be a safehouse for me. 

I discovered another abandon house which might serve as my future house

I discovered another abandon house which might serve as my future house

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It was pretty decent and might work with me. I searched it whole to find only the water supplies working properly. It was enough for me. I started working in it also. I took 4 panels from the warehouse to use them as the electric source. I placed them on the roof, if you could call it that. I then replaced all electronics with my own ones. I turned on the generator and everything worked fine.I opened my laptop and logged in to find someone starting a chat with me.

A few days ago, I had found a username on Twitter name name "little_red_hood" who was a sor t of inventor. It was a girl. I had sometimes asked her for help with the wirings and all and she seemed to help me always and we became friends online quickly. We would chat for hours. Today, she decided to tell her real name, which was Ruby Rose. Rose, I wondered where I have heard the name. I then remembered the famous American hero team STRQ consisting of Summer Rose, Tai Xiao Long, Raven Branwen and Qrow Branwen. I was correct when she said that she was the daughter of Summer. I decided to tell my name but..............what last name should I take. Then I remembered my former father's real name which even Inko didn't knew, Hisashi Midoriya. So I introduce myself as Izuku Midoriya to her. We talked over quirks and support items for an hour. I even got introduce to her step sister, Yang Xiao Long. She told me that she will be coming to Japan after 2 or 3 years to live there until U.A starts. Since I had taught her Japanese language online, she can speak it very fluently. 

I bid goodluck and goodbye and closed the app. Then I took my notebook and opened the page to where I had made a sketch of my hero costume. It was not too flashy but it will work. It consisted of a green jumpsuit with black stripes, white broad stripes on my shoulder, two leg pads which reached upto my thighs, my signature red shoes and two brownish-white gloves with blue border on the wrists.(This is before discovering OFA)

I then closed it and start walking out and my way back to home.

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