Chapter 4-Sludge incident, New friends and New job

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I am doing the sludge incident early so that Izuku could be a vigilante by 11.5 yrs old. Also this might be a little big chapter.

Timeskip to 2 yrs later(Izuku's POV)

I am now 10 yrs old and can use Hard Body for 1 hr. It has been 6 goddamn years of pain, failures and success since that fateful day at the doctor. I now have everything I had to make to last me-a warehouse for training, a house which I have upgraded myself by building a similar bottom house on top of it and then making the roof and placing the solar panels back. I even made a swimming pool beside it. Now all I needed was a job to sustain myself till I joined U.A. Right now the bell had rang for the going home time. So I was packing my bag to leave until those 5 'dipshitheads' came and pushed me.


Katsumi-"YEAH, RIGHT!"

Damn, these dogs are so damn loud.

Shion-"So, have you finished on working our costumes?"

Shoto-"Yeah, have you? And have you given up on that stupid dream?"

I just kept silent.

Izumi-"Hey, speak when you are asked to!"

She pushed but I didn't flinch, which surprised them. This was because of me using his cursed energy a bit on my skin and also due to the few muscles I had grown but nobody could see it.


I groaned a bit. This guy is the loudest alarm anyone needs the least. Then an explosion came to my chest. Of course, the explosive dogs are always gonna start the first attack. I activated 'Hard Body' or as I call it, hardening my body with cursed which they can't see but I still acted as if I was in pain. Then came the usual, the same trail of ice, the same blaze of fire and the same powered up punch. But, something felt off. Like as if the ice wasn't too cold or the fire wasn't fire. I wasn't sure whether the Todoroki twins had done it out of mercy or pity. Wait, they can't control the temperature of their quirks currently. Then what is happening......

They attacked me for half an hour and then started to leave. Before that, Katsuki turned and said something which made me mad.

Katsuki-"You know, maybe there is a way to get a quirk. Just pray that you will get a quirk in the next life and take swan dive off the roof! HAHAHAHA!"

The others gasped, but not loudly. I deactivated my Hard Body as they left. My friends came to rescue me only to see me stand up with no visible pain although the wounds are there. They asked me questions of what happened.

Eijiro-"You okay Izubro? You don't seem to be in pain at all."

Rody-"Yeah, you're not in pain. Wait, does that mean you have awakened some kind of quirk?"

Everyone looked at him with a 'really nigga' look. I chuckled a little and said.

Me-"I am totally fine Eiji. And Rody, its not a quirk I have awakened. Its something very old, from pre-quirk era."

They looked at me wide eyed.

Me-"I did not feel pain when I activated this. Although that doesn't mean these wounds don't need to be closed. They will get infected so can you guys help me patch them up please?"

They agreed and starting patching me up, while I told them about what it was, all about the old jujutsu techniques and whatnot.

Eijiro-"That's so manly! Do you think you can teach me also?"

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