Chapter 20-Broken Will, Steeling Resolve

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(Alright, tomorrow, I will release my another story. Get ready for some action!)

Midoriya was in complete devastation. He had lost those people which he had called as his real family. Not only that, his control over One for All was completely resetted, same for his Frost Star and Rainfire. The only good thing was that his cursed energy was still good and going, though since he was now very much depressed, his control over Black Flash broke down while his Divergent Fist was good. Another good thing was that Rewind was okay, since his Rewind worked absolutely automatically. 

But now, he was back home. He was panicking rapidly, since he doesn't know how to face his friends now. Would they leave him? Would they also bully? Would they hate him? He didn't knew what to do. What about Eri? Would she also hate him? He didn't knew.

When Ruby opened the door and everyone welcomed him, he felt his stomach burn. He couldn't face them after losing almost all his powers and his family. He decided to make up an excuse of saying that he wasn't well and he wanted some rest. They led him in and after dinner, he went to his room without talking with anyone. He threw his vigilante costume under his bed, not wanting to look at it anymore. His breath hitched rapidly as tears started escaping his eyes.

Midoriya-'I lost them. I-I lost them. Those people..............those who have pushed me forward in life. W-Why? WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!! WHENEVER MY LIFE IS GOING GOOD, IT ALWAYS GOES DOWN!!!'

He started crying, not caring about anyone. His phone screen was glowing. Stella was calling him. He didn't picked it up, afraid that his childhood friend will now hate him. His tears weren't stopping. He soon fell asleep, tired completely. He thought that he might sleep good for that day.


Wrong. Completely wrong. He couldn't get a wink. He was getting nightmares all night. Nightmares about the One for All users accusing him of their disappearance and his former family beating him again along with his friends torturing him had disturbed him all night.

Midoriya was thinking of whether to go back to being vigilante. He requires training again. Just Rewind and cursed energy won't do. He decided to sleep the whole day. Pyrrha had taken his breakfast to his bed with Eri following behind. She left Eri with Midoriya talking while she went to train. Eri was talking about all the new things she had learnt with the girls while Midoriya just listened while forcing a 'smile'. None of the people in the house knew about it. Even Eri's sweet smile couldn't do anything to raise his hopes.

He just stayed on the bed all day. Whoever came inside to ask what's wrong, just got the answer as "Nothing much, I am just tired from the previous trip." Midoriya closed his eyes again to do best to sleep.

In the dream

"Ninth, why didn't you helped us?"

"I thought you were a hero, but looks like we were wrong."

Midoriya-"W-What are you saying?"

"You helped people, but not us. No wonder you are useless."

"You are weaker than me."

"You are not worthy."

Midoriya(clutching his head)-"Stop."

"You're not worthy."

"You're useless."

"You're weak."

"Hey Deku."

Apparitions of his previous family stood in front of him.

"Time for your daily dose of beating."

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