Chapter 17-The Airplane Incident Continues

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'Come on Deku, think!'

Midoriya screamed in his head as he looked at the scene in front of him. A criminal with a huge sharp tentacle in front of him was standing. His temporary partner, Siesta, was lying beside him. He couldn't risk his identity to the two people present there.

Midoriya-"You okay, Siesta?"

Siesta-"Yeah. Probably. Maybe I did the best thing to get you as my assistant."

Midoriya-"1. Temporary partner. 2. You forced me! I didn't came here on my own will!"

Siesta-"Then why didn't you denied earlier?"

Midoriya-"I cannot deny anyone who asks for help."

He then turn in front, while Siesta got up.

Midoriya-"Moreover, who is he and what is that Quirk?!"

Siesta-"It's an android."


Siesta-"That man is a member of the secret organization SPES."


Siesta-"SPES produces androids of superhuman intellect to covertly menace the world. In that man's case, it's still only an ear; they've merely stolen an experimental product and glommed it onto his body. He's what you'd call a partial android."

Midoriya(surprised)-"Wait, so you mean to say that the person in front of us has a different body extension attached to him?!"

Siesta-"Somewhat. And he's facing a penalty as punishment for betraying the organization."

Bat-"I see. You know all that. In that case, bringing back your corpse as a souvenir would seem the best plan."

He then raised up the tentacle and flew it at high speed at the detectives. Midoriya breathed heavily and held it.

Midoriya-"Don't scream."


Midoriya then threw her over his shoulder and jumped at the side, dodging the attack.

Midoriya-'It's good that I trained my jumping and dodging skills, that I can run fast even without Full Cowl.'

He then ran outside and ran to the first passenger compartment. Every passenger looked at them in surprise. He ignored them and put Siesta on the ground.

Siesta(cocked eyebrows)-"How do you possess so good reflexes and running skills? Is it your Quirk?"

Midoriya-"Nah, just pure hard stamina and reflex training and nothing else. Hold on."

He then touched his left shoulder and muttered.

Midoriya-"Focused Restoration"

His left arm was covered in a green aura and soon, the wound was gone. Siesta looked at him and smiled.

Siesta-"You're a ladies' man, aren't you?"

Midoriya(blushing)-"S-S-Shut up! I am n-n-not a l-l-ladies' man"

Siesta(smugly)-"Doubt it."

"Hey, what is that?"

Siesta and Midozu turned in front. Bat had entered the area with his tentacle ready. The passengers started freaking out.

Siesta-"Remain calm! Please evacuate this way, without running."

The passengers started evacuating and ran to other passenger compartment.

Bat-"Argh, this is pandemonium. Things are getting desperate. I'm going to kill all these excess people."

Midozu-"Are you mad?! If you do that, you will die too! The plane will crash!"

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