Chapter 5-A beautiful gift, One for All vision, Rules and Making the hero suit

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(During the suit making process, please bare author kun's bullshit about the things because he wrote this story based on imaginary scenes in his head and this is the best he could come up with.)

Timeskip to when Izuku reaches his soon to be former home.(3rd POV)

Izuku sees his former family sitting in front of the tv, watching a movie while feeding Izumi. This made Izuku sad. Though he wanted to leave them, it still hurt that he wasn't treated like her. He also needed love. He was going towards his old room when he saw a box on the table. It read 'To my little hero, Izuku'. He wondered who sent him a gift, as he didn't received any gift from his uncles or aunts or from anyone. So he took the box and went upstairs to his former room. He opened the door to find his room the same as it is. Old, dusty and the floor is stained with drops of blood. He remembered the times when he was abused and brutally beaten and shuddered at those thoughts and went to take all whatever things he needed, his lamp, his earphones and of course his notebooks. He then opened the box to find a white small cape and two white gloves in it. He wondered who gifted it to him when he remembered that the only short person was his step grandfather, Sorahiko Torino, former pro hero Gran Torino and current helper in the police department. He smiled at this and opened the letter beside it which read

Hey kid, its me, your grandpa. I hope you're fine. I had heard about you're quirklessness 6 yrs ago but couldn't come to meet you due to me being on an investigation on I-Island. I know I should have consoled but I was so much a fool that I couldn't. I had heard from Nezu that you had intelligence of a 7-8 yr old kid when you were 4 and that you loved to draw sketches of hero costumes of your friends and yourself. So I decided to give you one of my cape and two white gloves as I know you love small capes, not the too big ones. Use it wisely. You can add this to your hero costume. I know you can become a hero if you train hard enough. 

With love,

From Grandpa Torino.

Izuku wiped the tears off his face. His grandpa was another one who believed in him being a hero. He felt his confidence skyrocketed. He then went and packed all the things in his bag and was soon asleep when he saw a vision. He saw 7-8 blackish figures looking at him in a dark room with eighth guy standing very far away. One of them moved towards him and said

Blackish guy 1-"It's not time yet, you need to train more"

Izuku-"MTHAA??!?!"(What the?!?!)

Blackish guy 1-"I know, you're right now confused. We will meet again as soon as you turn 13."

Then he touched Izuku which made him wake up and snap back to reality. Izuku was confused as to who they were. He doesn't remember meeting 8 people at once. Though he wondered why was the 8th guy away from them. He went back to sleep again and this time was able to sleep without any nightmares of his abuses.

The next day(Izuku's POV)

I woke up early and stretched a bit early or too early, as my watch showed 4:15 a.m before jumping up. I was still confused as to what happe-wait. What happened last night? Looks like I forgot. I tried my best but couldn't remember anything after I packing up and sleeping one last time in this hellhole. Anyway, I needed to get out of the house as soon as possible. I put the bag on my shoulder and yeeted myself out silently.

I began walking towards my new home and opened my hero suit sketch notebook where I had drawn the suit. I needed to gather the materials so I wandered off to the Dagobah. It was still the same, full of trash. I just sighed. Those trash dumping people needed a lesson. Anyway, the required materials are not much. They are two flat but a little thick aluminium plates for my knee pads, white cloth, two bendable aluminium plates, 16 bolts, a big sheet of a light metal to make my makeshift respirator and a hood mask. I searched the trash to find the materials. After almost 2 hrs, I found all but not the bendable plates and the hood mask just needed to shaped into my liking. That's not a problem. I can use the leftover sheet to use them as a replacement. Thankfully I had found a big bag nearby so I kept the things in it and took them with me towards my trusty old warehouse.

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