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Rin Pov

I am in my school uniform it's kinda scruffy not going to lie. Thankfully mom and dad our out doing there jobs so I head down stairs and I look in the mirror at my shirt skirt my loose tie and the not properly buttoned shirt. I sigh and say.

"Smile rin." I let out a breath and walk out of the house my bag in hand and I start walking to the school. Walking into UA highschool a few people were staring in my direction.

A boy with half and half hair it looked cool if I'm being honest and a boy with spikey blonde hair I wonder if it feels prickly or soft.

When I get into the classroom I sit in the back corner of the room my anxiety was going through the roof right now. I put one ear phone in and start listening to my music to calm myself down.

A boy turns to me he had red hair that stood up straight and he says.

"Hey are you one of the people that got in on a recommendation?" I nod and he smiles and says.

"That's so cool!!" He seemed nice but Im not letting my walls fall you never know when something could go wrong. I send him a tiny Ile and the spiky hair boy has his feet on his desk and a boy who reminds me of a robot is lecturing him.

I laugh a bit at bakugous answer to Idia. Bakugou side glances me and sends me a small almost unnoticeable smile then goes back to his scowl.

The half and half boy sits next to me and says.

"Hi I'm todoroki shoto." I nod and say.

"I'm rin Moriama." He nods and smiles at me he had a cute smile.
Some did the bakugou guy.

Next thing I know a yellow caterpillar thing rolls into the room and the teacher is talking I'm not really listening if I am being honest

The only thing that got through is we had to go get changed into the PE kits.

I walk out of the girls changing room in the PE kit it hugged my body nicely I walk around the corner to see most of the boys waiting for everyone.

I stand in the corner on my own ignoring everyone when bakugou walks up to me with a smirk and says.

"Hey im katsuki bakugou." I nod and say shyly looking at the ground.

"I'm rin Moriama." He nods and stands next to me leaning against the wall. Everyone is finally ready and we head outside.

Mr aizawa then starts talking about how junior high and how you weren't aloud to use your quirks. He then says.

"Bakugou you got first in the entrance exam how far could you throw a ball in junior high?" Bakugou looks up his hands in his pockets and says.

"67meters." Aizawa nods and says

"Ok try it with your quirk. Just don't leave the circle." Bakugou throws the ball shouting.

"DIE!!" I chuckle and bakugou glances at me and his ball lands. 705.2 meter I tilt my head to the side slightly that's very impressive.

We move on to the 50 meter run. It's me vs kirishima. I get ready and we run I use wind and fire to launch me across. The matchine saysy time.
'2.5 seconds.' I let out a breath and small proud smile and everyone is staring at me with a wow look and bakugou had an eyebrow raised todoroki then says as I walk to stand next to him.

"That was impressive." I smile at him and he smiles back bakugou makes a 'tsk' sound and it's his turn he uses his quirk explosion to fire himself. I smile at him and say

"That was cool." I smile and he says a smirk on his face.

"I know it was." I stop smiling and look down. The next test is grip strength I am not that strong. I use earth to rap around my arm and use it to squeeze the matchine I broke it. I chuckle and 
A few people comes over and are like wow what's your quirk I didn't tell them I walked away.

Then after that the next test was long jump. When it was my turn I jumped using wind and I landed.
'110.7meters.' I really hurt my ankle.

Bakugou was looking at me I mean he seems alright but he was mean and if anything I need less of that in my life

Now the softball throwing. I use fire and wind to send the ball further the bakugous. It went

Then it is Mydorias go I feel bad for him bakugou is being mean to him and he hasn't done very well in any of the other tests. He goes to throw but he doesn't throw very far the matchine says.

'36.1 meters.' aizawa then pulls Mydoria into him and starts talking when he lets him go kirishima then says.

"I wonder what he said to him." I look to him and nod bakugou then says.

"Tsk he probably told him to start packing." I look to him and let out a 'tch' and say.

"Your so mean" he looks up his cheek glowing a light Pink and then turns back to Mydoria about to throw his ball he throws it with the last possible contact to minimize his injury. The matchine says.
'705.3' I smile he got just further then bakugou he seemed pissed. Mydoria then walks over and I say.

"You did great!" He looks at me and stutters.

"T-thank y-ou." I smile at him and the leader board comes up. Todoroki was first then it was me then bakugou.

Mydoria was last and aizawa said he would kick out who ever got last. He then says something.

"Oh yeah and I lied I'm not kicking anyone out that was a lie to get you to try your hardest." Everyone were yelling and stuff when momo says.

"Wait you guys didn't know I probably should of said something then shouldn't of I." I roll my eyes and walk away I get changed into my uniform again and I start walking out of the school. Todoroki runs over and says

"Hey rin sorry can I call you that?" I nod and he then says.
"Ok see you tomorrow." I nod and walk home

As soon as I walk into the door I get punched across the face. I fall to the ground and I get kicked in the stomach I hear my mother laughing as my dad beats the crap out of me.

I then head to bed. And cry my self to sleep.....

for her //Bakugou x oc x todoroki\\Where stories live. Discover now