birthday number twoo

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Rin Pov
I am very tired and today's katsukis birthday yay when me and him were out a few weeks a ago he saw a really nice but expensive watch he really liked but he said he couldn't afford it.

So with my parents dead people money I got I bought it him for his birthday I shove the rapped present in my bag and me and shoto started walking to school.

I am holding shotos hand as we walk to school and yeah it wasn't to busy.

When we get to school and in the classroom I walk over to katsuki and hand him the box i say.

"Happy birthday love you." He kisses my cheek and says

"Thanks teddy bear." He opens the box and his eyes looked like they wood pop out his head he looks at me and says.

"How-" I put my finger on his lips and say.

"Because I love you." He had a huge grin on his face and he kisses me cupping my face. I smile at him and he says putting the watch on.

"Thank you so so so much teddy bear." I hug him and he hugs me back and he says.

"Can you stay at my house tonight." I nod and say.

"Yeah if you want." I smile and him and I then go sit down I look at mydoria who was eyeing me up and I felt very uncomfortable.

I stiffen up a little and walk to my seat
Today was basic lessons like English maths and we were doing loads of normal test stuff.

I get 100% on every test.

It's finally lunch yay we get a break. I am the last one walking to the cafeteria I am being slow because I feel like it I get slammed into the wall.

My eyes widen and at the person it was mydoria I then say.

"W-hat-" he cut me off by crashing our lips together. I shove him off me and my wrist starts to hurt I look at it and  It was burned damn it that evil guy from a few days ago never mind

I look at mydoria and he was just looking at me he then says.

"S-sorry I just i-" I walked away before he could say anything. I get to the cafeteria and I go and sit with katsuki and shoto.

I was really quite and I didn't eat anything katsuki out his hand on my thigh and it hit my wrist u slightly flinch and both of the boys noticed katsuki looks at me and raises an eyebrow he says.

"You ok teddy bear." I nod and say.

"Yeah just mydoria but that doesn't matter-" shoto then says.

"He kisses you!" I look at him and say.

"H-how did yo-" katsuki then storms over to mydoria grabs his color and says.

"DEKU YOU BASTARD!" Katsukis hands started explosding and stuff I run over and grab his wrist he turns to me dropping deku and I kiss him. He shuts up and leaves.

I sigh and shoto walks over holding my hand he glares the life out of mydoria and I walk after shoto as he follows katsuki

I hear a loud slam against the metal lockers. I let go of shotos hand and run around the corner I see a katsuki with tears streaming down his face.

I run over and hug him my arms tight around his waist. He wraps his arms around me and I say.

"What's wrong." He kisses my head and he says

"Deku ruins everything." I kiss him and says.

"I'm sorry." He kisses my head and says.

"It's not you teddy bear you've made the day amazing." I smile and say

"We still have a good day ahead and I'm staying at ur house!" He smiles and kisses me.

I go to shotos house and pack a bag and shoto walks me to katsukis because it was dark and there has been more villain attacks I said I could take care of myself he didn't listen to me though.

He leaves when I get to the door I knock on it and katsukis mum answers she smiles at me and let's me in we have a quick conversation then I go to katsukis room.

I knock on the door and he opens it. I smile at him and he kisses me. He put my bag next to his bed and we were chilling in his room

Honestly it was nice his mum came in and said.

"I have food." She puts it down and starts talking to me and katsuki groans I chuckle and she throws a pillow at him and he starts yelling and she starts yelling at katsuki calling him a ungrateful brat.

I chuckle and hold katsukis hand he shut up and his mum said.

"Your a miracle worker dear." I chuckle and she leaves. Me and katsuki are on our phone him holding me in his arms close to him.

I am getting called a lot by mydoria I sigh and katsuki answer from my phone and says.

"CALL MY GIRLFRIEND AGAIN DEKU  AND ILL BLOW YOUR DAMN HEAD OFF!" he hangs up and gives me my phone back. We ended watching a movie and fell asleep and I fell asleep in his arms my head on his chest......

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