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Rin pov
I am exhausted and my whole body hurts like hell. I get up and dressed i hear a knock on my door i say.

"Who is it." The person then says

"Todoroki-" he got cut off by katsukis voice

"And your favorite boyfriend." I laugh and open the door Todo kisses my head and then bakugou does they come into my  room and we chill.

I then had to leave because I had planned to go out with mina and uraraka

We are going out and I was saying something about how my life was dark when urakura says annoyance in her voice.

"Shut up! Your so cool you go out every night in your boyfriend's nice car yeah your living the life you got a pretty face pretty boyfriend's too I wanna be you so bad but I fucking hate you." My eyes widen slightly and I look at my hands on my lap. I ball my fists and say standing up to leave.

"Pft you can't judge someone until you know there whole story tell me. Did you parents abuse brake you down to nothing mentally and physically make you fall so far not only did they cut and you cut yourself and now you finally have something good someone is still trying to brake you down?" Urakura and mina stare at me as tears stream down my cheek I laugh and glaring at her.

"Your a real bitch." I leave I am walking around when I hear a familiar voice say.

"Hey Moriama!" I turn around to see kirishima I wipe my eyes he was going to ask but I said.

"It's nothing I'm ok." He nods and we ended walk around laughing and joking. I smile and I get a phone call I say to Kirishima

"Sorry one sec." He nods and I walk a few feet away and Kiri stands there awkward. I answer katsukis call. I say.

"Hey katsuki." He then says.

"Teddy bear what happened with urakura deku that bastard called me." He gags I roll my eyes at his over dramatic ass. I then say

"She was being a bitch." Todo then took the phone off katsuki and says.

"Princess with what Mydoria said it sounded like you were being the bitch." I grip my phone and clench my jaw I then say.

"You think her having a go at me because I finally have something that makes me happy after everything that happened when my parents were around makes me the bad guy?" I then hear katsuki shouting at Todo I hang up and put the phone away a tear  runs it's way down my cheek.

Kirishima walks over and says.

"What's wrong." I look at him and shake my head I then say after letting out a breath.

"I think I'm just going to go sorry." He nods and I leave. I got a message from katsuki says.

'teddy bear where are you are you ok todoroki isn't with me are you safe?' I message him back as sit on a bench at the park.

'im at the park.'

I put my phone away and stare at the floor a tear finding it's way down my cheek every so often. Someone sits next to me I look at them it was katsuki he wipes the tear that fell out of my eyes with his thumb and pulled me into his side.

He kisses my head and says.

"I love you." I sniffle and say.

"I love you too " he kisses me and soon todoroki comes this way he says.

"I'm so sorry." I look at him and say.

"No it's not you I over reacted i--" he cut me off by saying.

''no you didn't if anything I should understand what you've been through the most." I nod and he sits on the other side of my putting his hand on my thigh I lay my head on katsukis shoulder and he holds my hand.

We stay at the park just relaxing when all of a sudden everyone got tense katsuki with a harsh glare o haven't seen before and todoroki with a glare I look up to see urakura she says.

"Uhh r-rin can we talk please?" I shake my head and say.

"No thanks." I stand up and katsuki holds my hand also standing up and we walk away Todo catches up and holds my other hand we head to the todoroki house hold and endeavor is letting katsuki stay the night. 

We are all watching a movie in my room when I go get changed into one of katsukis black hoodies and short shorts .

I walk out and sit in the middle of my bed the boys on either side of me. All three of us ended up fall asleep watching a movie....

for her //Bakugou x oc x todoroki\\Where stories live. Discover now