more training

30 1 0

Rin Pov
We are all in are super hero suits and we are getting on a bus. I know katsuki and enclosed spaces dont work especially when mydoria is there.

I sit next to katsuki and the long ass bus ride begins.

It wasn't to bad at the start until they start talking about quirks kirishima then says.

"The people with the best chance of being pro are todoroki, Bakubro and rin they all have cool flashy quirks all o have is this." He hardened his arms I roll my emerald orbs for eyes at Mydorias response sue then says.

"Yeah but bakugou won't be a pro hero he's always angry." Bakugou jumps to his feet and starts yelling at sue.

"WHAT FID YOU SAY YOU DAMN EXTRA ILL BLOW YOUR GOD DAMN HEAD OFF!!!" I grab his arm pulling him back down to sitting. I then say.

"Shh." He sighs and pulls his arms out of my grip and sends me a glare I scoff standing up he looks at me and Idia shouts.

"MORIAMA SIT DOWN!" I roll my eyes and bakugou shout.

"HEY DONT TALK TO HER LIKE THAT YOU FOUR EYED BASTARD!" I roll my eyes and go sit next to Todo he holds my hand and I lay my head on his shoulder bakugou looks back jealousy in his red eyes.

We get to the training dome and aizawa starts talking when a black portal opens and people walk out of the portal.

The same man from the other day walks out just with a hand over his crusty ass face.

People start questioning everything when aizawa pits his goggles on and says.

"No they are real villains. 13 protect the students!'' he runs down the stairs the black hole teleporting one comes behind us and 13 goes to protect us but bakugou goes to attack it with kirishima when we all get teleported away.

Bakugou and Todo shout as Todo trys to reach out to me but was to late.

"RIN!!!" I am now on a boat with the pervy purple grape Mydoria and sue.

Surrownded by villians. I am cussing to myself as grape panics and sue is just there when mydoria looks like he just had a brain baby he says.

"Rin how much water can you control with the water element of your quirk." I shrug and stand on the edge of the boat looking down at the water.

"Not a clue but I can try." The ship then gets hit I nearly fall off the edge of the boat when mydoria grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him my hands on his chest I move away and say.

"How much water to I need to use?" He then says.

"Uh try and use the whole lake make a whirlpool." I nod and stand on the edge of the sinking boat.

I close my eyes and slowly move my fingers making the water start to swirl I speed it up and I was getting tired now.

Mydoria jumps off the boat and punches the whirlpool making it very fast I then stumble Mydoria had broken his arm. Sue uses her quirk to get grape and Mydoria onto land and I use the water quirk as like steping towers that disappear after I used it.

I get to the side and I see a huge bird thing beat the shit out of aizawa.

I climb out and Mydoria says as I walk no scratch that I sturut glaring.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING." I let out a 'tch' and say.

"Helping." Mister crusty ass turns to me and says.

"Oh you do go here little girl your foolish to come against me." I let out a 'tch' and set myself on fire making fire tornado on either side of me making a huge body if water float just behind me and I take two huge bolders out of the ground and stare at the shock on crust asses face.

I smirk and the Nomu guy look at me and crusty tells him to go after me.

I squash him in-between the two bolders setting it on fire sending the fire tornadoes at him and then when the fire was hot enough making instant boiling water I throw it at crusty.

Bird brain pushes the two rocks off him like it was nothing there was no damage. My eyes widen that should of killed most people that makes no sense the same portal guys comes at me and teleports me into another one of the domanes the ruins one

I walk into a building an do hear explosions from my favorite ticking time bomb.

I run up stairs and I see the back of katukis head and he says to kirishima.

"Shut up we are getting out of here so I can fucking find Rin and make sure she is ok." I smile and say.

"I'm fine." He wipes to me and I walk over he hugs me and whispers.

"Im so glad your ok." I smile and kirishima says.

"Who knew he had a soft side" katsuki glares at him yelling when bakugou turns around and exploded a villian.

He kisses my head and says.

"Come on were going." He grabs my hand and picks me up bridal style he had to jump over a few things and stuff I then say.

"I'm not helpless." He rolls his eyes and says.

"Shut up shortie I'm looking after you." I laugh and he kisses my head we got back to the center to see allmight fighting nomu

Katsuki put me down and we all are watching all might fight nomu then goes to hit me but katsuki pushes me into todoroki and a huge puff of smoke appears.

My eyes widen my hands on todos chest my mouth part I then see katsuki on the floor Mydoria then says.

"Wow kac-chan you dodged that." Katsuki rolls his eyes and says

"No dumbass." All might says.

"You went all out on a kid!" He then is fighting an do am just staring trying to figure everything out Mydoria has the same quirk as all might that's suspicious.

We all are heading back to school and I am sat in the middle of katsuki and Todo I lay my head on katsukis shoulder Todo holds my hand and when we go back to school

We all head straight home. I am tired. I head to bed I can definitely wait for tomorrow....

for her //Bakugou x oc x todoroki\\Where stories live. Discover now