I'm annoying lol

14 1 0

Rin Pov
I woke up before katsuki so I got dressed I want to be annoying again so I get dressed in something scandalous ish outfit.

I walk out of the bathroom katsuki had a huge smirk on his face ei chuckle and say.

"Ok babe I'm going out." His whole face expression changed quickly he then says clambering out of bed.

"Your going in that?" I nod and say looking down at my outfit

"Y-yeah is something wrong with?" He shakes his head and says.

"N-no but it's not something you should wear out you know like there are weird people around." I nod and say.

"But I want to wear it I think it looks good?" He then says.

"It does it really does I'm just saying it's a bit revealing." I furrow my eyebrows and say .

"B-." He then says

"I'll come with you." I say.

"No I'm going out on my own." He had consern all over his face and I cracked I start laughing and say.

"Calm down im not wearing this any where." He hugs me and says.

"Thank God." I laugh and he kisses me. I go get changed.

I feel odly girly today I don't know why I walk out of the bathroom and katsuki says.

"You look cute." I smile and we go out to meet with shoto we get there and shoto  grabs my arm and looks at the burn he says.

"When did you get this." I look away and say

"Almost a week ago it doesn't matter." I pull away he then says.

"You got burned a week ago and didn't tell me or bakugou?" Katsukis is looking at me and I say.

"Can we not do this now?" Katsuki then yells making me flinch.

"No your hurt!!" I flinch away from him and a tear runs down my cheek I panicked and quickly wiped it like nothing happened and stuttered.

"It's  n-nothing I swear. " they clearly didn't believe me todo pulls me into a hug and says.

"He wasn't going to hit you. " I nod and a tear trickles down my cheeks katuski kisses me and pulls me close to him.

I wrap my arms around his waist and he kisses my head we head to todos house and we are all chilling in my room watching a movie kafsuki is spending the night which I am very happy about I then get a phone call.

I answer and my mother's voice comes through the phone? ...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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