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Rin Pov
I run into todos room and say.

"Wake uppppp~" he groans and pulls me I to him I wrap my arms around his bare torso and he says.

"It's early princess." I wiggle out of his grip and I say dragging him into my room

"Ok. So. It's your birthday today." He nods and says

"So?" I smile and say going through my drawers.

"So I don't really know what you do on birthdays because I was home schooled and my parents didn't celebrate anything with me. So I asked katsuki what I should do and he gave me an idea he said do something thought full so I did. Now we can match." I give him his present and he opens it he blushes bright red and I pull my one out and say.

"Matching!!!" He blushes and he had a tear running down his cheek I panicked I say.

"Ahhh did I do something wrong? I'm so sorry. Are you ok? Why are you crying-" he hugged me and said.

"Thank you princess it's perfect I love you." I smile and hug him I say.

"I live you too Todo." He put the hoodie on and I put mine on and he kisses me I wrap my arms around his neck I then say.

"Ok come on we are going to meet katsuki and your going to have a good birthday." He smiles and holds my hand.

We meet up with katsuki he smiles at me a d says to todoroki.

"Happy birthday." Todo smiles and we all go and Celebrate todos birthday

I am jumping around as we all are walking to the park when katsuki says.

"Your going to hurt yourself teddy bear." I pout and he gives me a piggy back to the park!!

We are messing around having fun when Todo says to me.

"Thank you princess this was an amazing day." He kisses me and I smile we head back to the todoroki house hold and go watch a movie in my room Todo is holding me close and says.

"I love you." He kisses my head I smile and say.

"Love you too." We fall asleep watching the movie.....

for her //Bakugou x oc x todoroki\\Where stories live. Discover now