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Rin Pov
We have been at school for a while now by a while I mean like two days its long enough. It's seems like Todo has been ignoring me.

I know that may make me seem like a controlling bitch but he hasn't talked to me when we were in the todoroki house hold he hasn't talked to me once when we're at school same thing and it's been annoying he has been hanging out with mydoria and all of those.

I get into the classroom before Todo because I just left because I can why would he care exactly he wouldn't.

I sit on my seat and I kick my feet onto the table. Katsuki walks over and says.

"Hey teddy bear." He smiles at me and I send a weak smile back he then says.

"What's wrong " I shake my head and say.

"Nothing just tired." He sceptically nods and goes back to his seat glancing back at me every so often. Kirishima must of noticed he turns to me and says.

"You ok bakubro hasn't stopped looking at you." I glance at katsuki and I look back at kirishima I nod and he nods and says.

"Ok that's good." Todo walks in and sits on his chair and slightly shuffle in my seat away from him he didn't notice which was good. Katsuki did he had a harsh glare directed at Todo.

I sigh and aizawa comes in and starts talking about hero names and stuff we had time to make up our mind on what we wanted.

Katsuki went up and people laughed at him he looked angry I wasn't listening to anything though.

Aizawa then says.

"Moriama your turn." I sigh getting out of my chair and walking to the front I say.

"Avenger" they let me pass and Kiri says

"That's a cool name Rin!" I nod and say.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Todo side glances me and as soon as the bell for lunch goes I leave katsuki following me.

We go eat lunch I sit next to him and he leans on the end of the booth. Kirishima, denki, mina and sero all sat on the table too.

Todo walks over was going to say something but katsuki cut him off by saying

"Go away you icey hot bastard." Todo turns from me to katsuki and says

"I want to talk to our girlfriend thank you very much." Katsuki scoffs and says.

"No your not I, not when you've done something to upset her." I ball my fist and stand up I say.

"Stop it." And I walk away the table silent watching me leave.

I leave the school campus and go on a walk around town.

This afternoon everyone still in school are doing training for the UA fighting festival thingy.

I head to the park and chill there for a while.

The school day is definitely over by now and I get a call from katsuki he says.

"Where you at gorgeous?" I say.

"No where and everywhere." He sighs and says

"Teddy bear come tell me." I hang up on him and go on a walk I am walking down an alley way heading back to the park something wasn't right

Two people jump out at me I just look at them blankly one of them is clearly a villain that does all the dirty work. And the other one has scars a lot of them dark hair and blue eyes.

He smirks at me a blasts me with blue flames I make a sheild with water and when the flames stop I light my self on fire and say.

"Nice try mister but not good enough so better luck next time on your next 'ViCtIm'" I walk past him and use fire as a distraction to run a block away.

I get to the park and I sit on the swings I go on my phone and I have missed many calls from both todoroki and katsuki

I sigh and I hear people walking this way I look up and see katsuki and Todo. I sigh and I stand up and go to leave when my wrist gets grabbed. I turn around to see both Todo and katsuki Todo then says.

"Why did you leave." I scoff and say.

"Why do I live? I don't fucking know." Katsukis eyes widen and so do todos he pulls me into his chest his arms around my waist and katsuki pulls me away from Todo and says pulling me close.

"Don't touch her this is you fault." I pull away and say.

"Please don't." I had tears in my eyes and Todo says.

"I'm sorry princess." I nod and he kisses my head. We all head home and I fall asleep in todos arms him kissing my head every so often...

for her //Bakugou x oc x todoroki\\Where stories live. Discover now