class rep

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Rin Pov

I am in my uniform and I leave my room me and todoroki are walking to school when a car came speeding down the road and was going to hit me when Todo used his ice to stop the car he runs over to me. And says cupping my face.

"Hey. Hey. Hey princess are you ok." I nod and he kisses my head.  And pulls me I to him my hands on his chest.

We get to school after a walk full of todoroki asking me if I was ok. It's was sweet.

Walking into school I was getting swarmed by news reporters Todo was holding my hand because people were pushing and shoving and it was pissing me off I was tempted to turn them to ash.

When we get into the classroom bakugou walks over and says.

"Why did it take so long for you too to get to school!" I go to my chair as todoroki says.

"I stopped Rin from getting hut by a speeding driver." My head falls into my hands. Bakugou walks over and says moving my hands away from my face.

"Hey teddy bear are you ok?" I nod and he kisses my forehead.

He goes and sits in his seat glancing at me every few seconds.

Today we are voting for class rep everyone are shouting to vote them and bakugou is screaming for people to vote him I cover my ears and lean back in my chair.

Todo looks at me and Idia then says that we should have a vote everyone was going to vote for them selves I want to be class rep but I kinda don't if you get what I mean?

I scribble bakugou katsuki on the paper and pass it on for everyone else to vote todoroki told me I should vote for someone else and bakugou seemed very eager to be class rep so maybe he will be.

Someone then writes on the board the scores Mydoria was class rep and I was deputy so it's not to bad I am stood in the front with Mydoria when bakugou looked so annoyed he had one vote I am surprised he didn't vote for himself.

Todo smiles at me I smile at him and  aizawa says.

"Your class representative is Mydoria." Idia clearly thought people would vote for him I roll my eyes and sue says to bakugou.

"Your mad no-one voted for you it makes sense you are always angry " bakugou yells at her I whisper ruffling his blonde hair.

"I voted for you." He claimed his ass down and I went to my seat.

It's lunch and it's quite ish but then an alarm goes off someone broke into the school everyone was panicking and I was getting shoved around I am only 5,0ft I'm short this isn't fair!!!

I hear bakugou shouting.

"Rin damn it move you fucking extras!" I bump into my favorite blonde and he pulls me into his chest he holds my hand tight and todoroki managed to push through everyone to get to us.

Idia then managed to make everyone shut up and he shouts so annoying speech I wasn't paying attention because he looked like the fire escape guy.

It was a false alarm anyways the press managed to break in it doesn't make sense though those people with no know quirk have broken into a school with immaculate defenses it makes no sense.

In class Mydoria gave Idia the position of class rep. It's the end of the day and my tired ass was exhausted Bakugou is coming back to todos house so we all can hang out.

I am slowly walking when bakugou lets me ride on his back. He is holding my thighs so I don't fall off his back. My head is on his shoulder and I am playing with his soft spikey blonde hair.

Todo was holding one of my hands and says.

"Princess where did you get this bruise." I look at the bruise and I say

"Oh I didn't see that I think it was when everyone was running like idiots." He nods and kisses my hand. I smile and we get to todos house I head into my room and the boys follow me.

I back flop into my bed and bakugou chuckles and says.

"Whatcha doing shortie." I sit up and look at him I say

"That's hieght-ist" he Chuckles and todoroki kisses me bakugou got pissy hissy at that and started shouting.

His hands started to heat up I try to interviean when bakugou sent and explosion at me and I hit into the wall I slide down the wall in in pain I landed on my wrist and a crunch filled my ears as todoroki and bakugou kept arguing.

I am holding my hand close to me and I curl up into a ball on the floor leaning against the wall as soon as Todo noticed he ran to me and says.

"Hey. Hey. Hey shh princess are you ok-" he cut him self off as his eyes land on my broken wrist. Bakugou was just stood there wide eyed.

Todo took me to minor injury and it got bandages up.

We get back to the house and to my room bakugou was say there tear stains down his cheeks he says.

"Teddybear I am so sorry i--" I cut him off by saying.

"It's fine." He looks at me and just stares so does todoroki I use one hand to sort my bag out that was on the floor bakugou then says.

"Let me help you." I smile at him and say.

"It's ok I got it." He nods and I put the bag on the desk. Todoroki then says.

"Why are you saying it's ok he broke your wrist and you forgive him?" I roll my eyes and say.

"It was an accident he didn't mean to do it." I smile and they stare at me bakugou then says.

"That doesn't change the fact I hurt you." I roll my eyes and hug him from behind I kiss his cheek and say.

"Yeah but I am ok?" He sighs and holds my non broken hand. It's the weekend I then say trying to defuse the tention in the room

"I'd anyone doing anything tomorrow." Todo then says.

"Sorry princess my farther needs me to train for things." I nod and smile bakugou then says.

"No I'm not doing anything teddy bear." I smile and say.

"Yay ok can we go out or something tomorrow?" He nods and says.

"Yeah we can do whatever you want." I smile and say.

"Thank you. Baku." He rolls his eyes and says.

"Call me katsuki teddy bear." I peck his lips and he smiles he then has to go home.  So I got to bed tired and still in slight pain but ignoring.

A/N yo it's the amazing author saying helloo to my readerssss....

for her //Bakugou x oc x todoroki\\Where stories live. Discover now