I know that Pomeranian anywhere!

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Rin Pov

Mother and farther left for work before I got up and I want to go out so I get dressed and walk my fine ass out of the front door.

It starts raining Abit but it's not too bad I see non other then bakugou kastuki I cross the road nearly gittingby a car but gatd every day life so what ever I say.

"Hi bakugou!" He turn to me with a glare and then he quickly blushed I smile at him and he says.

"Hey rin." We start talking and things and we head to his house. We go to his room and we mess around I throw a pillow at him and he threw it back at me I start laughing.

Bakugou Pov

She laughs so pretty but that icey hot bastard has his eye on her I won't let him get to her. I smile at her and I see a huge bruise and a fresh ish looking cut on her arm.

I grab her arm and look at the cut she quickly pulls away and pulls her sleeve down it must of rolled up. I then say

"What the fucking hell happened." She then says straight up lying to me.

"I-i- I fell." I look at her my eyes full of consern I say.

"You can talk to me please." I hold her hand and both of our cheeks flush a bright pink colour.

She looks at me tears in her eyes like she had never had anyone care. She tells me everything I wipe the tear that fell from her cheek.
And I say.

"I want to tell you everything will be ok." She nods and says.

"Yeah but it's not so don't the last thing I need is false hope." I nod and we change the subject.

We start laughing again and I think to myself
'how could someone so perfect and beautiful have something so horrible to hide?' she then said she had to go so I say before she leaves.

"Can I have your number?" She nods and gives me her phone number.

She then head home.

Rin Pov

I smile to myself walking home I havent felt someone caring about me ever it feels nice knowing someone cares. I look at the inside of my wrist at all the scars my parents had caused and the few I made. I sigh and say to myself.

"No more...." I get home and my parents weren't there. It was pretty late now as well it was strange no lights were on that I could see from the front of the house I go inside and see police officers.

I stare in horror as blood is splattered on the walls and the building looks on the verge of collapsing.

A detective says walking over to me.

"You need to leave miss." I look at him and he says

"Oh you must be miss Moriama. I am sorry to say your parents were murdered we don't have any leads yet"
I nod and the detective says.

"Do you have any close relives you could stay with?" I shrug and say.

"N-no n-no-not that I k-k-know of." He nods and I get escorted out of my house.

Call me sick but I was sort of released they were gone. But another part of me was scared not that I would get murdered but that I have not a clue what is next for me

I bump into someone and I fall backwards I say.

"Shit s-sorry." The person helps me up and it was todoroki he says.

"Don't be I wasn't looking where I was going." I nod and he says.

"Is that your house?" I nod and he says.

"Oh I'm sorry about your parents." I slowly nod and he holds my hand I look at him a light blush brushes across both our cheeks. I then says.

"You can stay with me at my house if you'd like it's your choice." I then say.

"I don't want to be a bother. And I have no clothes" He shook his head and says.

"No I insist." He takes me to his house holding my hand the whole way. And carrying the bag full of my stuff we snuck into the house to steal When we get there todoroki told his dad endeavor that it was my parents the heros that were killed
wow his dad was the number 2 hero that's cool.

Todoroki showed me the guest room and he then says.

"So your parents were they nice." I look at him and say.

"U-uh n-no a-act-actually." He raises an eyebrow and says.

"What do you mean." I pull up my sleeve and show him the cuts and bruises. He runs his finger over one of the scars and says.

"I understand" I look at him funny and then it hit endeavor isn't or wasn't a good dad. I nod and we ended up staying up till like midnight being dumb and doing stupid things. I then say.

"Todo can I borrow one of your shirt to sleep in please?" He nods and I go and get a red one. I put it one and walk back into my room in short shorts and the shirt.

Todoroki Pov

I am blushing so bad just as rin comes into the room she looked so damn sexy in my clothes I can't let bakugou get to her first she will be mine

I then say.

"Tomorrow after school my farther said I can take you shopping so you can get some new things." She smiles and says.

"Thanks again for everything." I smile at her and say.

"Anything for you." She smiles and I leave because it is like midnight and it's school tomorrow.

Rin Pov

I am falling asleep and I think.

'god todoroki and bakugou are so kind I really like both of them they are amazing. I can't wait to see them again they make me feel so much better about my situation!!' I fall asleep excited for tomorrow....

for her //Bakugou x oc x todoroki\\Where stories live. Discover now