bakugou katsuki

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Rin Pov
I am tired but I get dressed into something that isn't school uniform for once it seems like forever since I haven't been in uniform

Rin PovI am tired but I get dressed into something that isn't school uniform for once it seems like forever since I haven't been in uniform

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I walk out of my room and when I was about to leave todoroki says.

"Be safe princess." I nod and smile at him as I start walking down the street katsuki messages me.

'Ill meet you at the park' I reply with.

'okie.' I walk to the park to see my favorite blonde. I walk over to him and he pulls me into him wrapping his arms around my waist he pecks my lips and says

"Hey teddy bear." I smile and he says.

"So uh hows your wrist." I look at the ruffly bandaged wrist and say.

"It's good." He nods and we start walking around hand in hand.  We need up going to the mall I go into a shop and katsuki goes into a different shop next to the one I am in I left the shop And I am waiting for katsuki.

When a man walks over and says

"What's a sexy ass girl like you doing here." He had a smirk on his face I roll my eyes ignoring him when he tightly grabs my wrist the broken one I wince and katsuki yells grabbing the guys wrist and burning it.

"Let her go now bastard." The guy let's me go and walks away quickly katsuki grabs my hand and looks at my wrist he then says.

"Are you ok does your wrist hurt do you need me to take you to the doctors-" I cut him off by kissing him and I say.

"No I'm fine thanks to you babe." He smirk and kisses my cheek. I slip my hand into his and he blushes slightly I smile and we walk around he then says.

"You hungry teddy bear." I shake my head and say.

"No not really." He nods and we go and chill in a secret spot of the park where we can see people but they can't see us.

I am sat next to katsuki and I lay my head on his shoulder. He kisses my head and I open up my phone I had a few unread messages from todoroki. They were mainly.

'what are you doing?' 'are you safe?' 'is your wrist hurt?' I message back.

'im fine.' I get an instant reply and he says.

'thats good princess.'
I put my phone away and me and katsuki start messing around he then got super intense when mydoria showed up.

I sigh and slip my hand into katsukis and I kiss his cheek I then whisper against his skin.

"He doesn't matter." He nods and says.

"Can we leave." I nod and he stands up i end up getting a piggy back from katsuki. I kiss his cheek and play with his hair he smiles and says.

"I love you." I stop playing with his hair and I say.

"W-what?" Love? I know what it means but I've never felt it. Katsuki then says.

"Yeah I love you and I always will " I smile and hug him my arms around his neck I kiss his cheek and says.

"I love you too!" He smiles and the day starts to pass we ended up going to meet up with todoroki I hug Todo he smiles and says.

"Love you princess." I smile and say.

"Love you too." He smiles and gives me a piggy back because he said bakugou can't because I was with him all day.

We head to the park it was empty I sit on the swing and go on my phone bakugou pulls it out of my hand and says

"No spend time with your boyfriend's." I pout and bakugou puts my phone away.

I stand up and todoroki wraps his arm around my shoulder. I chuckle and kiss his cheek he smiles and we all ended up playing on the Park equipment.

I am laughing when I feel drowsy and light headed. I stumble.on a rock  and katsuki catches me be before I hit the ground I pass out.

Bakugou Pov
I catch Rin and she passes out I pick her up and take her to icey hits house when we get there I lay her on her bed and kiss her forehead that icey hot bastard then starts screaming at me and saying it's my fault and saying I should of taken better care of her when we were out.

I glare at him and say.

"Fuck off you bastard like you did anything that would help." He glares at me and goes quite I then says.

"You did fuck all so don't blame me ." I head home and go to bed hoping Rin will be ok tomorrow.....

for her //Bakugou x oc x todoroki\\Where stories live. Discover now