going out

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Rin Pov
The whole class of 1A are all going to hangout I got up before katsuki and Todo so I go and get dressed when I walk out of my bathroom I see katsuki looking annoyed and tired.

I climb onto the bed kissing his cheek he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side. He kisses my head my hand on his abs he says.

"Morning teddy bear." I kiss him and says

"Morning boom boom boy." He stares blankly at me with an unamused look on his face he looked like the emoji 😑.

I smile and peck his lips he goes and gets dressed. I am sat on the bed on my phone and todos arms wrap around my waist he pulls me to him and says.

"Good morning princess." I smile and kiss his head I say playing with his white and red hair.

"Morning mister." He burrys his face in my side as I play with his hair. Katsuki walks out of the bathroom dressed. I smile at him and Todo goes and gets dressed.

We all are ready after what felt like hours. I throw the beanie on my bed because it makes my hair go funny.

I grab the bag Todo bought me a few days ago and put my phone in it.

We walk out of the house and are walking down the street to meet the rest of the class

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We walk out of the house and are walking down the street to meet the rest of the class.

When we get there katsuki was being his moody ass 'self' with everyone it was kind of annoying not going to lie but you do you I guess.

We ended up going to the beach I am sat on the wall scrolling through things I felt eyes watching me I look up a blank glare on my face I see urakura staring at me. She quickly turns away.

Momo comes and sits next to me she says.

"Hey why are you on your phone." I look at her turning my phone off and putting away I say

"What phone." She laughs and runs off I stand up my black boots connecting with the sand. I don't like how sand feels under your feet even when you have shoes on.

I am humming to myself when Todo walks over and says.

"Hey princess." I look to him and smile he slips his hand into mine and i smile we both blush a pink colour. Katsuki storms over and takes my hand into his and pulls me away from Todo kirishima then says

"I smell *cough* jealousy *cough*" I laugh and say.

"Katsuki you don't need to be jealous." He rolls his eyes gently pushing me back to Todo and says.

"Tsk, I'm not jealous I don't get jealous." I roll my eyes and mutter just loud enough for him to hear.

"Pft whatever no need to be a dick about it." He looks at me eyes slightly widened I walk away and katsuki follows me. I turn a corner and get pinned against the wall.

I stare into katsukis red eyes and he growls at me.

"I don't get jealous teddy bear ok gorgeous?" I chuckle and he kisses me. He pulled away and walked away.

I roll my emerald eyes and walk off I go and sit on the sand on my phone when I gets pulled out of my hand I look up to see Denk he says.

"Your phone is going to die." I roll my eyes and say.

"No shit shirlock." He then uses his quirk to charge my phone he passes it back to me.i say.

"Oh thank you.'' he nods and smiles at me I see katsuki and Todo watching me from different sides of the beach I chuckle lightly. Mydoria then sat next to me.

I glance katsuki he seemed beond pissed. I put my phone away and say

"What do you want." He looks at me and says

"O-oh j-just to s-say s-sorry and thank you. Thank you for uhm you know when the villians c-came and s-sorry I was mean."
I let out a 'tch' and say.

"Whatever" he gets up and leaves  it starts to get cold and I shiver slightly Todo sits next to me and holds my hand he says.

"Your cold princess." He kisses my head pulling me into him we sig like that for a while until we decide to go we are walking with katsuki and I jump on katsukis back.

He holds me up by my thighs and I say.

"Katsuki." He makes a 'hm' sound and I continue.
"Why were you being mean earlier." He lets out a 'tsk' and says.

"I'm sorry teddy bear." Kiss his cheek and say playing with his hair.

"It's ok love you." He smiles and I hug him he then says.

"Love you too teddy bear." I hold todos hand and say.

"Love you Todo." He kisses my cheek and says.

"Love you princess." I smile and we get back to the todoroki house hold.

Its todos birthday tomorrow and I know exactly what I'm getting him. Well I made them.

I made two because I cut up two hoodies so I could make two! I hope he'll like them he went to bed so I wrapped his up

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I made two because I cut up two hoodies so I could make two! I hope he'll like them he went to bed so I wrapped his up. I then get a face time call from katsuki.

I answer and I say.

"Hey." He smiles at me and we talk for a while and I am cleaning up while katsuki stares at me like this.

" He smiles at me and we talk for a while and I am cleaning up while katsuki stares at me like this

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I then say

"You ok." He nods and says.

"Your just so beautiful teddy bear." I blush and say.

"Awh thank you." We talk for a while and then decide to go to bed so he hung up......

for her //Bakugou x oc x todoroki\\Where stories live. Discover now