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Rin Pov

I wake up and I am exhausted Todo comes into the room and kisses my head he says.

"You feel ok princess?" I nod and he nods he then leaves I get up and dressed I head out on a walk.

Walking down the street I hear people screaming. I turn and see a huge villian trying to kill that's nice.

I walk over my hands in my pants pockets a man shouts.

"RUN!" I let out a 'tch' and the villian look at me he was a slime villian he then says.

"Ahh yes a perfect vessel with a strong quirk!" I roll my eyes and make a fire ring around the smile then I use wind to stick it to the ground until the pros get here I make a small rock wall thing so people don't get close

I see two pros have come I extinguish the fire using the water part of my quirk and leave the rest to the pros.

As I walk away my hands in my pockets one of the heros put there hand on my shoulder they say.

"Your malisa and Joshuas kid right? Ik sorry about your parents." I roll my eyes and say.

"Whatever." I walk away the hero watching me as I fade into the crowd.

I get a phone call I answer the phone and I say.


'hey teddy bear todoroki told me you went out and on the news is the slime monster thing that just happened I wanted to check to see if you were ok' I chuckle and says.

'thats out of character for you mister but yeah I'm fine.' he chuckles and says.

'ok bye love you ' I smile and say.

'love you too.' I hangup and I walk around I walk past the front of the school and I see a pale man with scruffy white hair staring at the building muttering to himself.

I started to get a bad feeling so I walked past him sceptically he then says.

"Miss." I turn around slowly and say.

"Yeah." He stares at me head had blood red eyes and looked like he doesn't know what face cream is. He then says.

"Do you go to this school " I turn around and start walking away when he grabs my wrist with four fingers I look back at him he had a scary ass smile on his face and I stare at him I grab his wrist and burn it so he lets go of me and I walk away.

I ended up going back to the todoroki house hold. Endeavor then says.

"Moriama will you train with todoroki." I nod and say.

"Sure." I follow him to the training room I see Todo I smile at him and endeavor says.

"You and Moriama will fight eachother she has a strong quirk so this will test you shoto." Todo looked at me apologetic I nod and endeavor goes to the viewing station.

Todo gets into a stance and I get into one he starts making ice fly at me one grases my cheek making a cut  I make a fire wall so the ice melts as it comes at me I use the water from the ice to distract Todo but he caught me off guard and pinned me to the ground.

I sigh and he gets off me endeavor was pleased with Todo so I left for my room after being in my room for a while I cleaned the cut and put butterfly stitches on it.

I then get a knock on my door I open it it was Todo he then says brushing his thumb over the covered ish cut.

"I'm so sorry." I shake my head and say smiling.

"It's ok!" I hug him and he hugs me back he kisses my head and we ended up doing our homework I hate homework it's a waist of time.

I am really tired now I lay my head on todos shoulder and he lays down we watch a movie and I fall asleep my head on his chest his arm around my waist stroking my hair and kissing
head every few minutes.....

A/n hi it's Mee your author I hope you all are having an amazing day it's probably only amazing because I'm in it jk lol hope you have a great day and for those of you and you know who you are.

Go To Bed.

for her //Bakugou x oc x todoroki\\Where stories live. Discover now