chapter 8 chosen one

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I woke up covered in sweat from my dream, I looked down at the sleeping Tatum as she dreamed happily unaware of the danger she was in as her heart was beating so loudly in my ears making my head hurt, I quickly stood and left my room I need a cold shower I made my way to the bathroom turning the shower on I stripped and stepped in the cool water cooling my body down, I tilted my head back opening my mouth letting the cold water run into my mouth but, my throat still burned I was stupid thinking water would cool my throat, I needed blood to make the fire in my throat disappear, I lower my head in shame at what I've become.

I'm supposed to be a werewolf. Not a vampire. Not a hybrid. Just a normal wolf. But now I was a complete freak, I wanted blood I craved it an I didn't know how to control it, Tatum was a wolf an my mate wolf blood won't be as tempting but human blood.

I felt my new fangs come out, the fire in my throat getting worse and my eyes change just at the thought of human blood, how was I supposed to cope around it?

I turn off the shower before I step out wrapping a towel round me, I look in the mirror shocked at my blood red eye's, I open my mouth to see my sharp fangs, I sigh lowering my head this was never supposed to happen.

I look back up as I try to push my wolf through to over come the vampire inside but instead it bonded with it, my eyes turned gold with a ring of red an bits of blue in them and my lower k9s extended, so I had vampire and wolf fangs at the same time, I shut my eyes taking a breath as my eyes and mouth went back to normal. I turn away from the mirror running a hand through my hair I make my way back to my room to get dressed. Stepping in I go over to my drawers pulling out a pair of sponge bob boxers, a pair of grey cottons putting them on, I pull out a white sports bra putting it on quickly in case Tatum wakes up, an then I put on my 'I like girls' t-shirt before putting on some socks, I pick up my towel grabbing my phone I make my way down stairs chucking my damp towel into the washing pile before making my way to the sitting room I lay on the couch. Looking at my phone to see I had 3 text messages 2 from darren and 1 from kelly a girl from my old pack. I quickly read them.

Darren; congrats on turning man sorry how things ended before I left but had to get back to the pack, hope things go okay.

I wait to read the next one to reply.

darren; heard what happened and that they don't know if you'll make it but I just want you to know, your the best damn alpha I ever had or will have and I know you'll make it through this.

He's such a geek, but I love him, I realise I treated Darren badly an I hadn't even realised he'd gone and I'm glad to have him, if there was one person I would risk anything for it would be him he is my best friend. I quickly text him back.

Me; thanks man, I'm okay now but to tell you the full story I'd need to see you so visit whenever you can man, love you x

I doubt he will reply til later considering its half 5 in the morning but I send it anyway. I look over kelly's text surprised she even had my number.

Kelly; listen hear you mutt, don't you dare die! If you do I'll drag your ass back from hell to kill you again, you understand? You can't just leave without a goodbye an then die! An you better be treating you mate right you pussy!

Ahh kelly, so kind and thoughtful as per-usual but I didn't really understand why she cared I mean we hardly ever spoke and I never even slept with her, Instead of texting her I decide to call her, kelly much like me had sleeping issues she either slept all day an was awake all night or she didn't sleep at all until she had no option. I hit call the phone rang about three times before she answered.

"About damn time you answered its been what? 3 days ashley!"Kelly whispers harshly down the phone at me.

"Guessing your at the pack house, well its nice talking to you too kelly" I reply sarcastically.

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