chapter 5 fire.

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I felt a hand on my shoulder causing me to jerk awake. I looked up to see zack looking very stressed as he sat down in the chair beside me sighing loudly. i waited for him to say something i didnt want to rush him but the wait was getting longer and i was getting frustrated.

"you disobeyed my orders"zack finally spoke. he just didnt say what i wanted him to say.

"yes"i say simply.

"well i guess you really are her how did nate take the break-up?"zack asks my eyes widen. nate. i completely forgot about him. nate was my boyfriend and has been for the past year but he's been out of town on 'pack business' for a month. 'i cant believe i forgot him' "you did tell him didnt you?"zack ask looking at me skeptically.

"i-i..forgot him"i look away guiltily i felt a comforting hand being place on top of my hand. i looked back at zack who was trying to give me a comforting smiled but it looked more of a pained smile. "zack...can you just tell me?"i asked finally fed up of tip toeing around it.

"i dont know what you want me to say tatum."zack sighed removing his hand.

"i want you to say the truth."i said flatly. zack studies me for a moment before speaking.

"fine...she made it through the night which is a good sign. however. ash is a very...agitated person. cant sit still for too long but her injuries mean she will have to stay in her bed and lay very still for at least a week for her body to heal properly. but i dont think she will be able to do that. even now she keeps moving. once the week is up she will still have to be careful for at least another two weeks. but tatum...if she doesnt stay still she may well just kill herself."zack explains his voice rough and he kept swallowing i could see this was hard for him.

"cant you just like tie her down or something? i mean this is her life we should be doing everything possible to protect it"i suggest.

"no that would only make it worse. she doesnt like being touched restraining her would upset her and make her struggle even more"zack shakes his head looking frustrated "but you are her may be able to convince her to stay still"zack says hesatating. i looked at him.

"she doesnt do ANYTHING she's told and if i told her she would proberly bounce about just to be a bitch"i tell him sarcastically. "but...she might listen to chandler"i say slowly thinking about it but zack shakes his head straight away.

"no i dont want him to see her like this"zack tells me sternly.

"i mean when she dressed and covered up"i explain he must be really tired.

"so did i"zack says i look at him confused."tatum...ash has 24 stiches from her neck up alone" my eyes widen at his words and suddenly im running up towards the stairs. "Tatum!"zack calls behind me but i keep running up the stairs and along the hall i reach for the door handle but i stop. do i really want to do this? see her like this?...No

i pushed the door open going against everything. i looked onto the bed where ash lay. I didnt know if she was sleeping or just unconcious. my eyes landed on her face there were stitches for the corner of her mouth all the up her cheek stoping just at the side of her eye. i walked forwards slowly to see the right side of her face. there was only a small cut with about five stitches in it. her nose had been pushed back into place. i only counted 17 stitches. i looked back a zack who was standing at the door.

"she has cuts on her head your proberly cant see the cause of her hair."he tells me. i look back at ash laying in the bed. she looked so peacful lying there the stitches aside. i felt my wolf nudging me to go forwards and sit with her. But i couldn't i just...didnt care enough. i mean yeah i cared and was worried but i didnt feel the pull to be beside her. my wolf did but i didnt.

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