chapter 11 realisation

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"Tatum?!"Nathan's voice shouted not to far away causing Tatum to forceful push me away from her quickly she fixed her hair just as Nathan walked into my room.

"Dude, ever heard of knocking!"I snarl at him angered by his intrusion.

"Sorry, didn't know this was you're room, uh Tatum you ready for that movie?"Nathan asks taking her hand as her other hand wiped her mouth..the mouth that had been kissing me back not even two minutes ago.

"Yeah babe let's go, we're done here anyway."Tatum replies roughly pulling Nathan from my room only stopping for a second to glare at me.

"She wont ever love you, she love's him and only him, you were a mistake that she cannot get rid of from her life,"A cruel voice sneered in my head, a voice I had come to hate. The vampire who is my father. "If you were not her mate you would be nothing to her, even now you are nothing but a dirty secret, she is ashamed of you and you know it,"The voice continued.

"Shut up,"I whisper out-loud.

"You are a burden to her something she will try her best to avoid, she want's him not you."The cruel voice kept going.

"That's not true,"I whisper again trying to make myself believe it.

"No-one wants you hear, you are trouble, you are a dissapointment, you. are. nothing."The voice spoke coldly in my head and I snapped, everything HE had said WAS true but I couldn't believe him, I didn't want to.

I pushed myself out my room as my body got hotter and hotter, my breathing faster and my body started to burn I jump from the top of the stairs landing perfectly at the bottom.

"Ashley NO!"I hear Zack roar but Its too late as I throw myself out the front door my wolf taking over landing me on four legs.

My body was literally on fire, my inside's felt like they were on fire and my heart felt like it was going to jump out my chest at any moment it was beating so hard, everything around me seemed to be in red as I pushed away from the house, I ran and ran and ran, Nobody tried to follow me because no-one cared.

It was getting darker as I ran but I didn't stop I couldn't stop, everything was running through my head, Pictures and memories, words and warnings. it just wouldn't stop.

"It will be okay honey I promise,"An image of my mother sitting beside me rubbing my back as she tried to make me better after a fight with the man I thought was my father.

"I Love You Ashley,"Another memory of My mother runs through my head as she kisses my head putting me to bed.

"I Love You A,"The man I thought to be my father says as he drops me off for my first day at school.

Had they all lied to me, Did they ever love me or were they just protecting themselfs?

Was it because of me they...Died? Did I get my parents killed?

It was my fault they were driving away from the party that night, I was supposed to be grounded but I went out and they came to get me but I refused to go home, My dad tried to pull me to the car but I pulled away from him.

"I'm not going any where with you two!  I fucking hate you both!"I screamed at them making them give up getting back in the car the pull out the driveway, I heard the breaks of my dads car screech But it was to late to do anything the lorry had collided with the car, so forcefully the car turns over onto its side and then upside down.

I heard screams everywhere but I couldn't move I just stood there as the car burst into flames I felt someone pulling me back But I wouldn't move I was frozen to the spot, hoping that any minute they would get out the car but they never did...

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