chapter 1 turning.

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"ash...ash...ash you need to wake up."a small voice says beside me. i put my hand out feeling their hair"what are you doing?"he giggles

"looking for the snooze button"i groan pushing myself up i look at chandler he is carrying clothes in his hands

"this is your school uniform uncle zack told me to give it to you"he hands me it walking back out my room i look down at the uniform skeptically. i launch it across my room 'no way in hell am i wearing that' jumping out my bed i put on a pair of jeans and a tight white t-shirt grabing my leather jacket my ipod and my phone putting them in my pocket i go to the bathroom quickly brushing my teeth. i walk down stairs.

"ash where is your uniform?"zack asks as soon as i step off the stairs

"umm on my floor you didnt think i would actually wear it did you? i wouldnt even puke on it" i tell him i feel my phone vibrate taking it. one new text from darren.

darren)good luck on your first day behave. missing you x

i sigh texting him back.

me) yeah yeah miss you to x

"your going to be late if you like you can go to school with one of the pack members tatum come here"zack waves at a girl she's actually quiet hot about 5"9 got curves in all the right places her long black hair flowed down over her shoulders and she had nice ice blue eyes.

"you done checking me out?"he silk voice pulls me back to reality

"uh...not quite yet"i smirk at her she wrinkles her nose turning to zack.

"do i have to take her to school she looks at me like im a peice of meat."the girl says

"actually that is quiet the wrong term since i dont like meat...if you catch my drift"i wink at her. "besides i dont want to go with you i prefer my car and i like to be on my own so see you later"i walk past them straight out the door wishing i hadnt.

the whole pack that was my age or went to my high school were standing outside next to their cars and when i walked out the looked at me watching me some of the guys eyes wandered over me along with some of the girls the others were just studying me closely. i shook my head walking to my car getting in i drive past them all the boys nodding their head as they admired the car the girls just stared trying to see through my tinted windows.

once i had arrived at school i ignored the stares and headed towards what i hoped was reception but this blonde girl about 5"7 stepped in front of me 'id bang her'

"hey there cutie i was just wondering since your new an all how 'bout i show you around'"she winked at me i was tempted but since i had to keep my head down and behave it was proberly the wrong choice to say yes she was most likely some footballers girlfriend anyway.

"i think i'll be fine thanks though"i tell her the grin leaving her face as i walk away.

"oh okay um im annie by the way maybe we can sit together at lunch"she walked beside me i turned around looking her straight in her green eyes.

"i dont want to be friends we talk only when we have to now walk away and dont speak to me unless i talk to you first if your friends ask what we spoke about tell them i said i like my space and it would be best to stay out of my space"i compelled annie. i blinked before walking away. i have a funny feeling im going to be compelling alot of people to do the same.

i finally made it to reception greeted by a little old woman.

"hello im ash walker i just transfered here"i say watching the old woman dig through some papers she looks up at me weird

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