chapter 13 Dont forget.

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A month had passed but nothing changed, we drove for a couple of days then pulled into a hotel for a day, occasionally we would run into the odd bit of trouble looking for the hybrid child but I dealt with them but our relationship was deterirating rapidly.

I was protecting us with all with my strength and Tatum helped with chandler and helped me get more blood when I needed it but we bearly spoke and everytime I fed she looked at me like I was repulsive and it angered me, our wolves hadn't been out in a month an it was making us both anxious, we were both ticking time bombs an all we could do was wait to explode at each other.
Kelly hadn't found anymore information on hybrids or the vampires or Zacks mate, Jacob was cleaning up the mess I made of the hunters and I was trying to deal with the fact that every single day my hunger for blood got stronger, I was losing myself to the bloodlust and I hated it.

My dreams of my memories wouldn't stop and I couldn't stop them projecting into Tatums mind and given our current mood she wasn't happy about it, all we do is argue with each other about everything and chandler was afraid of it I could tell, but the worst thing is Tatum is changing she is so angry and arrogant all the time like she just doesn't care, I want to blame it on her wolf but I know its not, I think she is home sick but we were thousands of miles away and I couldn't send her back on her own, I would be too afraid of her getting caught and hurt.

Back home wasn't any better than where we were now anyway, Vampire's and Werewolves were making the town a warzone, humans had been killed and Werewolves ripped apart all because Chandler and I were hybrids, People were willing to believe anything about us just to give them some hope or just a reason to kill, we were either seen as saviours or the children of the devil that needed to be killed. it was bullshit.

"Chloe is dead,"Tatum speaks pulling me from my thoughts "Vampire caught her,"

"Oh,"Is all I can say, the pack had lost so many over the past month it just didn't come as a shock anymore. 

"Oh? is that all you have to say? These people are dying for you an all you say is oh, you don't even care do you?"Tatum Barked at me I looked at her disbeleiving that she would even say that.

"Are you serious!"I shout looking back at the road "Of course I care, what do you expect me to say Tatum? would you rather I prayed? would you rather I made a shrine for everyone that has died? just because I have nothing to say doesn't mean I don't care!"I retorted

"No but I would prefer it if you showed some compassion,"Tatum snapped at me

"You know what I care that they have given their lives to help us but I never asked them to do that, I never asked for any of this! Now will you shut up I'm trying to drive!"I screamed at her fed up with her constant anger towards me. 

"Yeah wouldn't want you to kill us like you killed you're parents now would we!"Tatum sneered at me. I slammed my foot on the brakes thanking god nothing was behind us. The car was silent as Tatum realised what she had said. "Ashley I-"

"Get out,"I say coldly not bothering to look at her.

How could she say that, every night for the past month she has seen my dreams, felt my pain and guilt over the fact that it was my fault. The guilt itself was cripling and the pain was like I was drowing. Yet she spat that out the first chance she got.

"But we're in the middle of no where,"Tatum pointed out

"Get out Tatum,"

"You can't just abandon me on the road,"Tatum exlaimed still not moving.

"Get out of my car before I drag you out it,"I warn her my entire body shaking, but Tatum didn't budge she just sat there "Fine."I growl getting out I go round to her side, I yank the door open before grabbing Tatums arm I pull her forcefully out my car slamming the door shut behind her.

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