chapter 4 what is IT?

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*Ash's p.o.v*

"she wouldnt hurt him if she found out. the connection between them is too strong he is like another mate...untouchable except blood related"i listened closely to zacks conversation my anger just snapped.

"what the fuck do you mean blood related"i shouted at him pushing through the door. zack dropped the phone jumping back away from me slowly.

"ashley i didnt realise you were back i was gett-"zack started to rush out but i cut him off. i wanted to know what he ment.

"answer the question before i rip you throat out!"i growled at him he stepped back.

"i-i didnt want you to find out like this it was your parents idea i was just-"

"answer the question!"i roar in his face slamming my hand above his head again the wall he had backed himself up against.

"he's your brother!"he shouted back closing his eyes. i stepped back as taum gasped.

"th-thats not possible...he's 8 im 18 i would have remembered him. im an only child"i mumble. everything had just stopped. i couldnt think.

"no your not he's your brother...your mother...slept with someone else and you were concieved thats why you feel the anger and fire get it from your father. chandler...your father slept with another woman to get back at your mother. his mother gave him to your father but...the anger in both of you was too much so your father brought chandler here and..."zack stopped talking. i looked up to him i could feel the fire burning through me slowly getting faster.

"And what!?"i growled at him. i didnt have much time before i ripped him apart.

"and...compelled you to forget him"zack said "when you turned 16 they tryed to stop the compulsion so you would remember him again wouldnt let them in. your mind was blocked. nobody could get in. not when you were awake, sleeping, distracted, or even dreaming. we tryed so many things but it wouldnt sorry"as soon as zack said he was sorry my head snapped up. is that all he has to say? he's sorry?

"your sorry?! after everything all your going to say is your sorry?! well sorry is fucking good enough!"i snarled at him before rushing past tatum upstairs. i slam my door shut hearing it rattle. nothing made sense anymore.

i was so angry all the time. i forgot the reason why i was angry. i couldnt remember anything back from my 10th birthday. but i thought all that was normal. i thought that was because i was a wolf an alpha wolf. i just thought my insticts were to fight so i shrugged it off.

now. i had a brother. my mother was a cheater. my father liked revenge. i couldnt remember things from my life because of them. birthdays,christmas,school plays, friends. all forgotten. all erased. because of them. they always told me to calm down that there was no reason to be angry. but there was. i had a brother and they took him away from me they let me love him then ripped him away. they compelled me to forget him but when someone does something that big it can have side effects like forgetting everything before that time and during it.

my wolf was ripping my insides apart trying to get out but i was so angry that my body wouldnt let me. i was just standing there shaking. everything was happening far too fast. i heard someone coming towards my room...tatum. i lookied roud quickly my eyes landing on the window. i opened it looking down. it was a long way down.

"ash?"tatum said through the door i could sense her hand reaching for the handle 'here goes nothing' i threw myself out the window somehow phasing in the process. i landed on the ground with a thud. my paws stinging a little. "whoa. you cant run from this!"tatum shouts from my window. i look up at her.

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