CHAPTER 9 lets hope.

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When i woke, the pack house was nearly empty i wondered before i realised it was a monday and most of them would be at school or working which left me here with the adults or the children that are to young for school. I really couldn't be bothered facing Zack or getting in more trouble so  i stayed in my room, listened to music and started drawing.

At first my drawings were just random pointless things like, cars and animals but the longer i spent thinking over things i got caught up in it stopping only when everyone arriving home from school jolted me back to reality, i looked down at my drawing, my drawing of the old pack, it had everyone in it except me because i drew it from memory. Everyone was standing laughing an smiling at each other, i remember that day so clearly it was at one of the many garden parties my parents had only for wolves ofcourse but i remember that day i stood watching everyone from the pack, so happy so care free, i remember looking at them and thinking, why can't i be part of that? why can't i be happy? what do i need to do to make this..hatred go away? i was so jealous of them, all of them. Because they got to be happy when i couldn't.

"why couldn't I just be happy?"I whisper throwing the sketchpad back onto my table sighing.

"Ashley!"someone shouted happily behind me I turn round to see chandler grinning in my doorway, i smile back at him as he runs over an hugs me.

"Hey little man, how've you been?"i ask sitting him on my knee.

"I'm good, I missed you loads"He smiles up at me "Are you better now?"Chad asks me.

"Yeah, I'm all better now buddy"I tell him "How was school?"I ask watching as his grin turns into a frown but he never answered. "Chad?"

"The other kids made fun of me again, just because they have parent's but they say my mummy an daddy were evil and that I'm evil too"He tells me his eyes tearing up. "am I evil Ashley?"He whispers too me.

"No buddy, your not evil, you could never be evil"i rush out.

"But the other kids-"he starts but i cut him off.

"chandler."i say sternly "You will never be evil, your so good and i promise you that i will always protect you from evil or anyone else that tries to hurt you."i tell him trying to keep calm as my voice shook. "Now tell me are these kids wolves or humans?"i ask


"are they wolves that live here?"

"yes,"he answers swallowing.

"Okay, now your going to show me who it is thats bullying you, an I'm going to talk to them"i say calmly. chad nods an jumps off my knee I stand up taking his hand, he leads me out my room along the hall and stops at a room i open the door stepping inside i find its full of kids from ages 4 to 12. chad creeps in behind me i bend down to his height.

"point them out to me chad"i tell him watching carefully as he points to 7 different kid 4 boys and 3 girls. I stand back up quickly "you, you, you, you, you, you and you here now."I snap my fingers at them, all making their way up to me slowly. i bend down to their height. "if you all dont stop bullying MY brother, yes brother, I'm going to send a big bad vampire to come and eat you in your sleep.."i warn them smiling "now apologise to him an never speak to him again unless your being nice, now say sorry."

all of them close to tears shakily said sorry to zack before running away to their friends some looking like they were about to either throw up or wet their selfs, it was quite hilarious but cruel at the same time but nobody was going to hurt my brother, Nobody.

i grabbed chandler's hand an ran to my room before they actually did start crying getting us into trouble, i get that they are kids but he's my little brother he comes first now. i threw myself onto my bed laughing quietly as chad jumped on my bed smiling like an idiot.

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