chapter 12 how far will I go.

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 "Ashley wake up,"I hear Tatum whisper as she shakes me

"ugh what time is it,"I groan sitting up rubbing my eye's

"It's almost ten but if you want to eat we need to go now or we will miss breakfast and like you said we can't stay here long,"Tatum stands away from my bed as stand up

"Where is chandler?"I ask looking around not seeing him

"He just got out the shower, he's getting dressed now don't worry,"Tatum tells me picking up her bag "I brought you this from the car when I was getting a change of clothes,"Tatum hands me a bloodbag

"I uh..Thanks, how did you get into the car without breaking the glass?"I ask worried that I hadn't woken up at the sound of it which could be dangerous for us one day.

"I streched to open it then I jumped into it no glass broken, I didn't want to wake you we had a long day yesterday with many more to come,"Tatum sighed sitting on her bed as I open the bloodbag

"You can always return home,"I whisper placing the bloodbag to my mouth I suck the blood out slowly much more controled than normal,

"Did you have a dream last night?"Tatum blurted out possibly not hearing me tell her she could leave, But I did have a dream one I did not want to share with anyone because it wasn't just a dream but a memory.

"Maybe, I don't really remember my dreams why?"I ask finishing my 'drink'

"Because I had one well parts of one, it didn't make sense to me but maybe it would to you,"Tatum looked at me curiously "I was at a party, I think, then everything went from fun to horrible, there was a car crash and then it just stopped."Tatum explained my stomach dropping at her words, Had I projected my dream into Tatums mind?

"Hmm sounds more of a nightmare but sorry, doesn't ring any bells."I lie before going to the bathroom door "Chad hurry up we're going to miss breakfast!"I shout through the door.

"In a minute,"Chad shouts back shaking my head I look back to see tatum staring at me intently.

"Heard anything from the pack?"I ask looking away from her intense stare

"Nope nothing you?"

"Nope, nothing yet,"I pull my top off as chad comes out the bathroom "I'll be like..ten minutes at the most, then its breakfast time."I call over my shoulder before shutting the bathroom door stripping off the rest of my clothes I turn the shower on, getting in I quickly wash my hair before getting out I wrap a towel around me opening the door.

"Wow you weren't joking that was like 8 minutes, well clothes are on the bed, hurry up."Tatum tells me packing up her bag

"What if I don't want to wear those clothes?"I say getting dressed hoping that neither chad or tatum were watching,

"Well you don't really have a choice now,"Tatum answered zipping her bag up.

"That's you told,"Chad chuckled from the couch as I dried my hair with my towel before dropping it to the floor sitting on the bed to put my shoe's on.

"I'm starving,"Tatum sighed as her belly rumbled.

"Well then lets go,"I stand walking to the door I grip chads hand as we leave "I'll clear the glass up before we go,"I say making sure chad doesn't stand on it. I could smell the food and it was making me hungry.

"So where are we going next?"Tatum asked as we enter the small cafe taking a seat a woman gave us menu's.

"I don't know, I really don't want to plan a route just incase things change,"I tell her my eyes scanning over the food.

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