chapter 3 i wouldnt do that.

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"i wouldnt do that if i were you"i hear chandler whisper i tense up 'whats tatum doing?'

"shh well she deserves it the lazy little shit"tatum whispers back

"your just jealous cause she doesnt want you cause she wants everybody with boobies"chandler whispers. suddenly im soaking wet and freezing i throw myself off the bed looking down at myself covered in water i look at tatum. whos standing smirking with a big metal bucket in her hand.

"What. the. fuck."i say slowly trying resist the urge to beat her head in with the bucket.

"i tryed shaking you but you wouldnt wake up so i took steps"she answers the smirk never leaving her face

"do you want me to beat you to death with that bucket?"i growl

"oh would you please? i love the feel of the metal"she laughs as she starts stroking the bucket.

"eww. chad go get ready we are leaving soon"i say turning away from her taking my now wet top off.

"ugh give us a little warning next time jesus christ"tatum grumps throwing at pillow hitting my head.

"grouchy. chad you ready?"i say turning back now full dressed in dry clothes.

"yup...where are we going today? were not going back yet are we?"chad asks frowning

"course about we just drive and see where the road takes us and we can stop when we see something interesting.and i can teach you how to drive"i smile at him

"yay! i've never got to drive before ive always wanted to"chandler says jumping up and down grinning. i picked up back opening the door chandler running out to my car tatum grabs my wrist making it tingle. i ripped away from her. she looked at me hurt but recovered quickly.

"are you really going to let him drive?"she asks looking worried

"sure why not? it will be fun and educational"i tell her walking out the door

"yeah and dangerous! do you know how irresposible this is"tatum whispered so chandler wouldnt hear her. i stopped turning to face her.

"whats with you and responsibility? that was like the first thing you spoke to me about its like your obsessed with it"i ask her. i was right though everything she says has something to do with being responsible all the time.

"because i actually have responsibilitys unlike some people who are willing to let 8 year olds drive cars and run away from home! you seriously need to grow up."tatum snaps at me obviously offended. she pushes past me going to stand next to chandler at the car. i sigh before walking over to them getting in my car.


we must have drove about 3 miles before i got bored and stopped the car.

"right champ its your turn come here and you can sit on my knee i'll do the pedals and gear stick you can do the steering wheel"i tell chandler he threws himself on top of me."jesus! you need to lose weight"i breath out as he squashes me.

"its not fat its muscles!"he snaps back grabbing the steering wheel

"ash please let me get out the car"tatum says i look at her. she looks like she's about to throw up. i grin at her pushing the little button down locking her in the car.

"ready little man?"i ask turning back to chandler

"yes lets go!"he starts bouncing on me

"stop bouncing"he does as i say"okay now im going to drive forwards slowly all you have to do is keep up going straight and not into a feild"i tell him he nods i put my foot down the car rolling forwards slowly. we go straight at first but then the care starts going left towards the hedge.i wait to see if he can fix it but he pulls the steering wheel to far right so we go into the middle of the road. i put the brakes on

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