Chapter 15 Fire and Ice.

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“He is planning on running, he knows when Tatum wakes that you will kill him.” Kelly speaks quietly behind me as I sit at the side of Tatum’s bed watching her silently.

“He is the least of my problems right now,” I mutter not really caring. Zack could run for the rest of his life with his dearest mate Mary, it would be enough torture for the both of them.

Then fighting between the vampires and the werewolves got louder outside, the screams, the bones breaking, blood pouring, lives lost. All over the two – now three – hybrids. I stood from Tatum’s side for the first time in almost a week, making my way outside.

I ripped a wolf off a vampire, vampire’s off wolves. 

ENOUGH,” My words cut through the air stilling all movement. “This ends tonight. The hybrid you are all looking for is gone. My brother has been taken from me, now should any of decide to take one more life because of our.. breed, I will kill you.  Now leave. Never return,” I ordered, the vampire’s glanced at one another but slowly backed away, the wolves retreated to the house.

The fight was over.

Making my way back inside Zack caught my eye but I barged past him, now was not the time for his foolishness. I entered Tatum’s room to see Nathan at the side of the bed, his eye’s snapping up to meet mine, filled with anger and hatred.

“How could you do this to her!,” Nathan roared as he stepped towards me. Standing in my face. “You know she wouldn- won’t want this!”

“She was dying, I couldn’t lose her!”I shouted back my voice hoarse.

“You had no right to be so selfish with her life, she asked you before you turned, but you don’t care-“

“As long as she is alive!,”I cut Nathan off. “She is my mate Nathan, you loved her,” My voice lowering attempting to reason with him. “If you had to choose between letting her die or this.. could you honestly let her go?”

Nathan opened and closed his mouth before nodding his head no.

“No, I didn’t think so,” I mutter walking past him back to Tatum.

“She should have woken up by now, you woke up after a day, she has been out of it for a week,” Nathan reminds me of the thought that scared me most…what if she doesn’t wake up? What if I failed at saving her?

“Ashley was already a hybrid, all she had to do was drink. Tatum was only a wolf it will take some time for all the changes to set in, she will wake up.” Kelly answered Nathans question whilst trying to set my mind at ease.

“And if she can’t control it?”

“It’s Tatum, she can control anything,” The words slipped past my mouth before I could stop them, truth be told, I would say anything right now to convince myself I had made the right choice.

“That’s true,” Nathan chuckled lightly before leaving the room. I was grateful he left us with Tatum, the less people here when she woke up the better.


“How is she?”  Alpha Zack asked me as I came down the stairs – was he even still my alpha? – his eye’s had bags underneath suggesting he hadn’t slept in a while. He suddenly very old.

“Still not awake,” I answer bluntly, he betrayed us all.

“And Ashley?” Zack asks warily.

“She hate’s you, I hate you, Tatum hate’s you, this is all you’re fault,” I walk away from him angrily.

I loved Tatum hell, I still love Tatum. I thought she could have been my mate but even if she wasn’t I still love her. Watching this happen to her was hard and I couldn’t imagine how hard it was for her and that’s how I knew Tatum loved Ashley. Tatum wouldn’t have done any of this for me or anyone else but Ashley.

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