Chapter 7 hybrid unleashed.

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I ran and ran until every muscle in my body hurt and burned, my thoughts..i didnt have any my mind was blank i was just to upset to think, everything hurt. how could people think they had a choice to send ash away? my mate away, did they honestly think i would just let that happen she hadnt hurt anyone intentionally she had no control over what  was happening.

"but you do and you just ran away and left our mate hurt and alone in a house full of people who hate her.."My wolf spoke to me making me stop in my tracks. my wolf was right, id just left ash alone, again. i turned back the way i came and pushed my legs harder faster than i ever had. i needed to get back there, i needed to get back to my mate. 

Zack's P.O.V

"see what this trouble maker has done! turned my own daughter against me! we should hand her over whilst tatum is gone!"mason, tatums father demanded. 

"ashley is MY neice, im not going to hand her over to those monsters, as for your turned her against you all by yourself so dont blame my family for your fuck ups."i tell him my voice as cold as ice letting the message sink in.

"UNCLE ZACK! UNCLE ZACK HELP!"i heard the voice of chandler shout down the stairs, i pushed charles out the way and ran up the stairs to ash's room where i saw chandler kneeling beside her blood coming from her head "i found her like this help her"chandler pleaded as i pulled him out the way to examine her head, it was one of her cuts re open but there were no signs of it healing. "why isnt she healing uncle zack?"chandler asked from over my shoulder. 

"i-i dont know.."i answered clueless. 

"you know why, you know what she needs to survive now."an voice spoke in my mind, it wasnt my wolf. it was him. the vampire.

it suddenly all fitted into place, hybird. wolf and vampire, and if they had her they wouldnt want her wolf side...they unlocked her vampire side, she still had a heart beat and she was still alive..but only just. they beat her this badly because they knew no wolf would survive it the only thing keeping her alive was her vampire side and to complete the transition and heal would be for her to...drink human blood. 

"uhm..charles!"i shouted through the house,  heard footsteps behind me "i need you to stitch this back up and then we need to talk privately" i tell him. we lift ash back onto the bed and charles starts stitching her head back up as i walk out the room back into my study. 

"tatum, need to come back, i need your help."i sigh telling tatum through our mind link.

"im about half an hour away, whats happened?!"she answers straight away the panic evident.

"hurry, i will explain when you get here, but tatum..we may not have half an hour."i warn her. 

"10 MINUTES."i heard her demand in my head it was her wolf and she would be here in 10 minutes.  just then charles walked in. 

"alpha."he bowed his head. "i have done my best but the bleeding wont stop completely and her body is refusing to heal, if her body doesnt heal sorry but she wont last another day."he tells me everything i already know.

"i know, but there is a way to save her."i tell him, his head snapped up to lood at me confused."unless you havent already noticed ashley is no ordinery werewolf. ashley is a hybrid. a werewolf and a vampire. her vampire side remained hidden inside her, she never knew she was anything more than a wolf, but after the attack the vampires beat her so badly that they have basically killed her wolf the only thing keeping her alive is her vampire side, but because it has not fed it cannot heal that is what is stopping her from healing."i explain to him his eyes bouncing everywhere trying to take in this new information. 

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