chapter 2 long couple of days.

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*Ash's p.o.v*

"ashley!"tatum shouted "your my mate? but straight"she whispered to herself but she didnt sound to sure anymore. my anger was still there and i wasnt going to be her mate.

"im not your mate i dont want you as a mate i told you i didnt want you to talk to me again so shut up"i growl at her it all coming out a bit rushed. i push past her. i glance at darren 'why is he still here' i run through the house ignoring everybody looking at me when i reach my bedroom i slam the door sure i heard a crack.

i could hear her thoughts...i could hear how she wanted him to be big and strong and handsom then she got me and her thoughts changed. she was dissapointed she didnt want me. why would she...well it doesnt matter because i dont want her either she's stuck up, a prude and knows nothing about me and she's arrogant and responsible and smart and cute- i mean...ugh i dont even know what i mean but i do know that i dont want her as my mate.

"our mate and yes we do"my wolf spoke for the first time. 'i dont want her so no i will reject her' "i wont let you"i felt the fire rip through my body as i changed again suddenly standing on four legs my wolf growling as it just stood there refusing to give me back control of my body. i saw the door opening darren standing there.

"dude you need to calm down. we need to talk"he tell me but i dont want to listen this is his fault. if he never brought me back we never would have know who our mates were and id be happy "your never happy" i growled pushing myself forwards slamming him into the door. i stand for a second finally getting control i phase back.

"this is your fault! why did you bring me back here you stupid idiot!"i scream at him grabbing his shirt i drag him behind me. along the hall and down the stairs.

"ashley! put him down"zack warns me

"you want me to put him down? okay somebody give me a knife? a bat? anything! fine i'll just rip his heart out" i say throwing darren on the floor i stand over him

"ashley dont do this! this isnt going to make your parents proud or come back"zack says my head snapping up as i glare at him i run forwards grabbing him forcing him back against the wall

"you think i'm doing this for them! no im not and you dont have any right to mention them!"i shout at him

"i have all the right im your mothers brother i loved her too"zack tells me

"you loved her! if you loved her then where were you the past 18 years i saw you what? about 4 times? where were you when they died? where were you when i watched as that truck smash into there car rolling over them? or when the car set on fire and i heard them scream as they burned! hmm oh yeah thats right you were here with them! your new family cause your own was never good enough! so no you dont have a right to talk about them you lost that right when you walked away from her!"i screamed in his face watching him pale as regret and guilt washed over him. but somebodys thoughts caught my attention making me spin round.

"and you...if you think im going to mate with you your a bigger ass than i thought the only way i'd mate with you...actually there is nothing that could make me mate with you"i snarled at her i walked back over to darren as he was getting up.

"keys"i say holding out my hand but he shakes his head no "give me my fucking car keys"i growl grabbing his shirt backing him into the wall "now darren"he was still technically part of my pack so my alpha command still worked on him as his head bowed he took my keys out his pocket handing them to me. "thank you" i say nicely before walking away everybody moving out my way.

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