chapter 10 ice is alot more painful than fire.

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"What were you thinking! you could have killed someone why do you always have to act like such an idotic immature child all the time?!"Zack screamed at ash again, they had been arguing for almost a full hour.

"You were the one that never mentioned that one day my 'daddy' may come looking for me cause I'm a fucking hybrid you selfish prick!"Ash screamed right back at him, everything they said the other seemed to have a come back.

"I was doing as my sister wanted, you ungreatful brat!"Zack screamed

"Well she's not here anymore is she? I could have died if I had never found out you Dick!"Ashley screamed throwing  her hands in the air frustrated.

"Well I wish you did!"Zack shouted causing ashley to recoil like he had slapped her. Zack's eye's widened at realisation of what he had said "Ashley I'm-"

"Don't."Ashley growls "Just don't,"Ashley backed away from zack walking towards the kitchen.

"I can't believe you just said that to her, after everything she has been through and everything she has lost you just wished she was dead..she is the last part of you're family and you treat her like this, maybe if you opened your eyes and saw how much pain everything has caused her you wouldn't be so hard on her, god zack you are honestly so stupid sometimes,"I raised my voice at Zack, shocked at what he just said.

"I didn't mean to say that,"Zack tell's me quietly

"But you did, you are pushing and pushing her further awayand one day she is going to snap and rip you're throat out and then what will you be able to do?"I say sarcastically but we both knew that one day Ashley would snap, every vampire did.

"I know,"Zack nods before turning away from me I go to find ashley knowing she is hurt from zacks words, but she wasn't in the kitchen like I expected her to be, I saw an open door it was the door to the cells 'why would ashley be down there?' I wonder making my way down the stairs I see stan standing beside the big metal door

"Is uh Ashley in there?"I ask slightly intimidated Stan was older than me and alot bigger too. Stan looks me up and down smirking before nodding yes and opening the door letting me into the cells.
I saw Ash standing infront of one of the cells looking rather irritated, I walked down the long hallway ignoring the angry or half dead wolves staring at me from their cells as I passed them.

"What are you doing down here?" I ask looking into the cell Ash had stopped outside, to see a woman smiling cockily.

"You must be the mate tatum correct?"the Woman asked shocking me.

"Yeah I'am who the hell are you?"I aks rudely, the people in these cages were either evil, traitors or just insane and vicious, so no way was I going to be nice to her.

"Ahhh you are a curious one, but you are very cold dear,"Was all the crazy lady said.

"Excuse me?"I snap, I wasn't cold at all if anything I was burning hot.

"Not you're tempature dear, I mean you're heart, You are cold inside."The woman answered me so easily, her words touching a nerve inside of me

"How would you know, you're locked in a cage you crazy bitch,"I snapped defensively.

"Ironic really considering you're mate's heart is burning, everything about you're mate is burning like fire, whilst you are cold as ice thus creating fire and ice,"The woman completely ignored my out burst.

"I control the fire did you know that?"Ashley asked mystified at this womans knowledge But I was suspicious.

"Like I said the one's closest to you betray you, you just need to figure out who it is,"The lady told ash

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