Chapter 6. i dont know whats happening to me.

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*Ash's p.o.v*

i felt my body shaking i felt like my blood was on fire everyting was just burning. i was trying to open my eyes but they wouldnt open. i heard shouting around me but it wasnt clear enough that i understood. i felt something scratching at my insides as my eyes snapped open as i felt something grasp my wrist holding it down i acted on impulse and grabbed it with my other hand hearing a snap i jumped up the fire in my body getting worse. looking round i saw everyone standing there cautiously watching me.

i saw them but...i didnt. i could see them but it was like i was watching them from behind a glass wall that was blurry. one of the wolves moved his foot forwards and something snapped inside me and i grabbed him pulling him towards me my head connecting with his hearing his nose break he fell to the floor. the two injured wolves were dragged out the room quickly. as a very big man charged towards me but my hands flew out grabbing onto his shirt i spun us both letting him go flying out my door hitting the wall. my body was doing things i didnt want it to do.

a pain shot through my entire body making me double over in agony before my wolf ripped through. i had tried to fight it, control it, but hell i couldnt even control myself.

"this is his fault. he should have told us. now everyone is in jeapordy. he must pay for his betrayal."my wolf spoke clearly. and it was angry. i stepped forwards staring right at zack. it was me moving but my wolf was in control. i stopped. my body was trembling i was so hot. i felt like i was on fire. my head was starting to hurt so i closed my eyes and lower my head but when i open my eyes my fur wasnt the russet colour i was supposed to be. it was literally on fire. i unwillingly raised my head letting out a loud growl.

i saw someone move to my left i wanted to look and see who it was but my wolf was still set on zack. i stepped forwards towards him growling.

" can stop this you dont have to fight. you dont have to hurt anyone anymore."zack spoke clearly but softly.

"scilence traitor. the time for talking is over it is now time for you to face the conciquences of your foolish actions."My wolf spoke. outloud. and it was not a request it was a demand.

"forgive me alpha but please let me explain we have other...issues. much bigger than my ...betrayal."Zack answered swiftly lowering his head surprising me. zack was an elder alpha why was he bowing to and lower class alpha like me?.

"i will not listen to your lies any longer."my wolf growled crouching ready to attack.

"NO!"I screamed. i didnt want this. i wasnt going to allow this. i closed my eyes as my wolf pounced using all my strength to stop it. i hit the floor face first. human.

"Ashley?"i heard a voice whisper. uncle Zack, i looked up to see him standing over me looking concered. "grab her some clothes quickly, Tatum."he demanded. my head turning as soon as he said Tatums name i watched as she ripped open draws picking out random things, walking over to me holding them out to zack who just shook his head. "Your her mate you do it i'll be down stairs."he said coldly as he turn away walking out my trashed room. tatum moved quickly, she went to put the t-shirt on me but i jerked away grabbing it out her hands.

"I can dress myself im not retarded."i snapped,my throat burning.i started getting myself dressed my body aching at every move i made.

"I didnt say you were retarded but concidering you were dying last night i was only trying to help."Tatum snapped at me as i stood now fully clothed. "but no cause you dont need anyones help you complete arse!"she continued her voice getting louder with every word, she pushed me down onto the floor before walking away.

i grunted hitting the floor but she just kept walking as the pain filled my head making me dizzy. i was going to pass out again i could feel it. "ta-ta-tatum..."i whispered trying to stand but she was to far away to hear me now. i pulled myself up with the bars on my bed i tryed to walk to the door using the bed as balance but after two small steps the pain became to much and i started to fall forwards landing face first i felt blood dripping out my lip going into my mouth. more blood started dripping from my head onto the floor. 'why am i not healing?' i thought as i passed out...

*Tatum's p.o.v*

i dont know what happened i just got so angry and i pushed her down i never meant to do it, it just happened.

"is she dressed?"zack asked as i walked into his study which had the council in it including my parents.

"Look, the one's who attack ash its her father and chandlers mother. the vampires. they want ash and if you dont hand her over they are going to kill the entire pack to get her. and they also said someone called...mary? said hi?"i snapped i was to angry to be pushed about by anyone. zack ran his hands through his hair collapsing into his chair.

"this cant be happening..."

"well it is so what are we going to do about it? and who the hell is mary?"i snapped again.

"Mary is..was my mate before all of this happened then she just...dissapeared i thought she left me."zack spoke quietly his eyes darting around. i could hear the pain in his voice. i opened my mouth to speak when there was a loud bang from up stairs causing everyone to jump. "i better go check on her."zack said standing up

"i think she just needs time alone to think alot has changed in the past 48 hours dont you think?"i told him, he considered it for a moment before nodding and sitting back down.

"now what are we going to do?"i asked getting straight to the point.

"to be honest tatum...i have no idea what to do anymore everything has just spiralled out of control."zack spoke the regret clear in his voice as he dropped his head into his hands. "if anyone else has any suggestions please feel free to speak now." the room was silent for a minute before someone spoke up.

"i think we should hand her over."a deep voice spoke, a voice i knew a bit to well. my fathers.

"excuse me? are you forgetting who she is?"i snapped at my own father.

"no actually i know excatly who she is. and ever since that little trouble maker got here everything has started falling apart and i think it would be best for the packs future and for yours if she left now and i think you will find others agreeing with me am i correct?"my father spoke his voice booming off the study walls. a few voices were heard as he stopped talking.

"i agree." "i also agree" "i agree with your father" i couldnt believe what i was hearing.

"NO. ASH IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE! SHE'S MY MATE I WILL DECIDE AND SINCE YOU ARE NO LONGER ALPHA OF THIS PACK YOU NO LONGER HAVE A SAY"a very angry demanding voice roared causing my father to fall to his knee's, it was my voice, my alpha wolf command. i looked around at everyone their looks ranging from, shocked to proud to dissapointed. my mother being one of the dissapointed faces.

"im sorry i have to go..."i spoke my voice shaky. i turned jogging to the front door, i didnt care what was out there i just had to get away from here. i didnt know what was happening to me.



will anyone find ash before she bleeds out to much?!

why is happening to tatum?

will zack let the pack hand ash over?

got a surprise twist coming up in the next chapter hopefully anyone want to try and guess what it is?!



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