chapter 14 the blood from a wolf the bite of a vampire

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"I told you not to eat that much,"I patted chandlers back as he threw up for the second time in an hour, "But I suppose I should have stopped you after the fourth Ice-cream,"

"I had fun today Tatum,"Chad tells me leaning against the wall beside the toilet "Can I get some water?"

"Sure Buddy, you just wait here for a while to make sure you won't be sick again,"I stood leaving him on the bathroom floor going to the mini fridge in the hotel room pulling out a ice cold bottle of water when there was a knock on the door. I froze. "Chandler lock the bathroom door,"I whisper making my way to the door. 

"Who's there?"I call through the door but there was no answer, "I said who's there?"I call louder this time I recieve an answer. 

"It's kelly,"A girls voice call through the door, 

"I don't know a kelly,"

"No but Ashley does now let me in, I have been helping you for the past month you know,"Kelly growled through the door. I opened it reluctantly, Kelly barged in. she wasn't what I expected. 

She stood around 5"9 with straight long auburn hair with a heart-shaped face making her long very childlike, but her attitude was much like Ashley's proving that she was part of Ashleys old pack. 

"Where is she?"Kelly demanded. 

"She's not here,"I tell her. "I don't know where she is," 

"But you're her mate, aren't you?"Kelly's attitude wavered for a second as she got confused. 

"Yes, but we were caught two days ago and Ashley gave herself up so I could get away with Chandler,"I explain to her but she still seemed doubtful "Chanlder come on out,"I tell him a few seconds later a very sick looking boy appears at the bathroom door. "

"Who's this?"He mumbles

"I'm a friend of you're sisters, I'm kelly,"Kelly smiles at him 

"Chad is she..?"I trail off just in-case Kelly was bad. 

"No, she's good,"Chandler mutters climbing onto the bed laying down. 

"What did you do, poison him?"Kelly looks at Chandler with a worried expression before turning back to face me.

"He ate to much, now what are you doing here?"I demand sitting on the bed giving chandler the bottle of water. "Just sip it,"I  tell him stroking his head. 

"Well Ashley hadn't called me in a few days and when every werewolf in London started howling that the Hybrid was here I found it a bit strange so I got here as fast as I could, only to find you have poisoned him,"Kelly drops herself into the cream coloured seat in the corner looking out the window into the sunset. 

"I didn't poison him!"I snap at her annoyed, She was so much like Ashley when I first met her, Arrogant and Annoying. "Well you can leave now,"

"Not so fast there, my loyalties are with Ashley, not you."Kelly fixed her very tight skinny jeans before continuing "If Ash is willing to give her life to protect him then so am I. Ashley isn't dead or we would have felt it, but she is reaching tipping point with her anger and that is dangerous,"

"How do you know all this?"I ask confused, I couldn't feel anything from Ashley. 

"Because I was part of her pack, the connection doesn't just go away. She is reaching her limit, remember how I told the both of you that Hybrids are like timebombs waiting to go off an when they do they leave nothing but destruction?"I vaguely remember her saying some thing about this so I nod, "Well Ashley is about to go off, her anger is bad enough but something is pushing the limits an she doesn't even know it yet,"

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